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Trick or Treat..

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Surely not more ridiculous than a grown man going to a bar or club, and watching some bird whip her kit off, or dance round a washing pole. Did you're parents never take you to a bonfire, or have one at home? you didn't live in a cupboard under the stairs like Harry Potter did you?


My parents never put my safety into question begging at the door of strangers and allowing me to consume sweets off god knows who. Nor did they ever take me to a public bonfire night where they would have no control over the actions of others who may be intoxicated. Parents should be more mindful. Lets hope their poor decision making doesn't have disastrous consequences for their vulnerable children this year.

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Well I made up some little lucky bags, put some loose change out ready, even put the theme from Psycho on my phone to play when I opened the door.

Guess how many came?? None.

Phhht :(


Awww, I will come round for some treats, shall I bring my costume :hihi:

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Halloween, is hardly teaching the kids the right way to behave in my opinion.


I have been huddled behind my sofa for the past 3 hours terrified as groups of children come to my door demanding money. Its like avoiding a Bailiff.


What are the parents thinking of? Earlier tonight, there was a group consisting of adults and children at my door and one of the adults said "Have you got your weapon ready when the Mr opens the door?"


Now who in the right mind encourages a child to have their weapon ready when the householder opens the door? what was the weapon, a gun? a knife? where do I stand when it comes to self defence?


NO, for me this smacks of an agressive society. People eating cupcakes and getting fat, which adds to the obesity epedemic and causes further strain on the NHS.


Its high time that the Inland Revenue taxed these trick or treaters? whatever they have earned, they pay a tax of 25%. If they do that (pay their tax) then in my opinion that makes things a littlr more bearable

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