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Trick or Treat..

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Am I the only one who disagrees with trick or treating?????

This topic was discussed on tv this morning and a lady explained how on their estate they've got a rule understood by all....if you have a pumpkin outside your house that is lit up then you are happy to be involved, if not trick or treaters stay away. I think that is a great idea and all are happy....I wish all villages had a rule like this because it gets right on my nerves, especially when it's youngsters clearly on the beg for money!!!

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Halloween, is hardly teaching the kids the right way to behave in my opinion.


I have been huddled behind my sofa for the past 3 hours terrified as groups of children come to my door demanding money. Its like avoiding a Bailiff.


What are the parents thinking of? Earlier tonight, there was a group consisting of adults and children at my door and one of the adults said "Have you got your weapon ready when the Mr opens the door?"


Now who in the right mind encourages a child to have their weapon ready when the householder opens the door? what was the weapon, a gun? a knife? where do I stand when it comes to self defence?


NO, for me this smacks of an agressive society. People eating cupcakes and getting fat, which adds to the obesity epedemic and causes further strain on the NHS.


Its high time that the Inland Revenue taxed these trick or treaters? whatever they have earned, they pay a tax of 25%. If they do that (pay their tax) then in my opinion that makes things a littlr more bearable


But then when you have MPs fiddling their expenses then its hardly suprising that children as young as 4 or 5 see nothing wrong with doing a bit of fiddling themselves on halloween night

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Agree totally, bonfire night is also plagiarised by modern culture.


Instead of the wicker man style rituals, we have snotty kids with toffee apples and obese families with booze and BBQ's.


It has been corrupted,plagarism surely means copied faithfully.?


Is it fair to blame modern culture for your family failings?

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I'm off out at 9pm to go trick or treating. Got a white sheet to stick over my head and a bucket to collect all the candy. Just because I wouldn't allow children to eat the sweets off strangers doesn't mean I won't enjoy free chocky. Laters halloweeners.

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Am I the only one who disagrees with trick or treating?????

This topic was discussed on tv this morning and a lady explained how on their estate they've got a rule understood by all....if you have a pumpkin outside your house that is lit up then you are happy to be involved, if not trick or treaters stay away. I think that is a great idea and all are happy....I wish all villages had a rule like this because it gets right on my nerves, especially when it's youngsters clearly on the beg for money!!!


No i don't mind trick or treating, I get £10.00 to £15.00 pounds worth of 50 pence pieces and give one to each child, the first to call tonight was disappointed as I was in the bathroom, and by the time I wiped my ............Hands they'd gone. The only other caller tonight was a little lad about 7 yr old, and though I knew what the caller wanted I still jumped when I opened the door - TRICK OR TREAT he shouted at the top of his voice, I'm still laughing at it now, as he was on his own and a lack or other trick or treaters I gave him two 50p coins. No I don't mind trick or treating at all, It's next month I take umbrage with - "Penny for the guy" Now that is down and out MUGGING.

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Theres a women with children, and she is wearing a witches outfit, perhaps the outfit is better suited to the bedroom one thinks? Wearing an outfit like this, one never knows the sort of perverts this sort of thing will attract


Having said that, the mother has got a smashing pair of knockers.

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Halloween, is hardly teaching the kids the right way to behave in my opinion.


I have been huddled behind my sofa for the past 3 hours terrified as groups of children come to my door demanding money. Its like avoiding a Bailiff.


What are the parents thinking of? Earlier tonight, there was a group consisting of adults and children at my door and one of the adults said "Have you got your weapon ready when the Mr opens the door?"


Now who in the right mind encourages a child to have their weapon ready when the householder opens the door? what was the weapon, a gun? a knife? where do I stand when it comes to self defence?


NO, for me this smacks of an agressive society. People eating cupcakes and getting fat, which adds to the obesity epedemic and causes further strain on the NHS.


Its high time that the Inland Revenue taxed these trick or treaters? whatever they have earned, they pay a tax of 25%. If they do that (pay their tax) then in my opinion that makes things a littlr more bearable


As opposed to the young children out walking in the fresh air and not sat on their x box all night.

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No trick or treaters, here.

We had one knock at the wrong door, redirected to go around back and they went to the neighbours besides us and behind. Thats it.


Going to fish out the sweeties we like from the bowl and other half will bring it into his work tomorrow. :hihi:


Bought a light up pumpkin to put in the window next year, so hopefully will bring revellers our way.

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No trick or treaters, here.

We had one knock at the wrong door, redirected to go around back and they went to the neighbours besides us and behind. Thats it.


Going to fish out the sweeties we like from the bowl and other half will bring it into his work tomorrow. :hihi:


Bought a light up pumpkin to put in the window next year, so hopefully will bring revellers our way.


Good advice, save the sweets for yourselves, kids are sugar rushed as it is.


I think I may do something unique next year, like put a sign in the window saying free drugs for zombies especially the undead :hihi:

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Damm kids wanting to have fun, it was never like this in my day


Instead of sending us door to door asking for money or food my father had some respect, to provide for us he went to Europe to brutally murder people in the war, kids don't know they are born these days.

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