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World faces global wine shortage

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The new Chinese rich like to flaunt their wealth by buying expensive fine wine, the kind of Claret and Burgundy that costs an average British person a month's wages. There's just one problem, they don't much like the taste.


So they mix it with Coca Cola. :thumbsup:


Thats true!

Classy or what?

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I'm worried that this might be a myth. The news stories on this last year seemed to be talking about pretty strong wine that was designed to taste more like a spirit at close to 20%.
They may have been talking about red Sauternes (yes, that does exist) which is indeed close to 20%.


Does not taste anything like a spirit, nor a Port or Madeira. Just like an extra-strong, full-bodied dessert wine. Instant-trolleying stuff.


But mixing Coke with wine...like giving jam to pigs, just because you can does not mean you should :gag:


The shortage story has a lot of truth to it, btw, it's not an "engineered" (market-manipulating) penury. Went to France with my best mate a few weeks back to stock up, and brought back as much as his Audi could hold...

...I wonder if...

...Oh, hell! Now we've done it! :hihi:

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another excuse to shove the price up on summat


with global consumer demand already significantly outstripping supply


When demand exceeds supply, prices go up. It's not rocket science old bean.


Doubtless instead of market forces you'd prefer a Soviet style government control of pricing. Then there'd be no wine at all in the shops (all supplies that there were would mysteriously find their way into the hands of the people's commissars).

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