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Pursuit of Happiness

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Hey, I am wondering now all grown up, whether you are where you wished to be at this stage of your life.


I mean, going back to your childhood or teenage years, when you looked to the future and had ambitions, were they ever realised?


I only say this as I am looking for a change of pace, a different path, a new start, a clean slate, you know what I mean.


I have been busy over recent years with all sorts of things, trying to be all things to all people and never really satisfying myself.


I have tried to fit in certain holes, to be included, to speak my mind, but often wish to just run away and make a fresh chapter.


I have had loads of life experiences through culture and work and have recently been pursuing customer focussed roles.


But having had experience in retail, teaching, hospitality and information technology, surely there are still new doors to go through.


I am very community focussed and love helping others, but found with helping people in retail, you feel like a pawn for the upper elite.


I would happily sell up all my possessions today, and move and share with someone else, to be apart of some other existence.


I am kind, not too confident nowadays due in large to mental illness and other things, but am worried that life is passing me by.


When I grab things, is this trying too hard, should I wait for things, is it best to be in charge of one's destiny or is fate among us.


In school, there is no way on earth that my wishes would have me end up where I am now, it would be the total opposite.


I wished to be settled in my 20's with a loving family and friends, good social life, instead of social isolation and crap luck with women.


I had so much potential to achieve great things, to be that person who people looked up to, instead of being expendable.


I will say this though, I am only 33, so hope and wish my best years are to come, but am scared to death of being 40, alone and in similar situations, things have to change, and am not always strong enough to pursue them, my wishes always have a way of doing the opposite.


I may have pushed people away with certain characteristics, cannot change the past, only the future, like really hoping to be accepted, to be with people, to trust people and to be trusted in return.


I could go on and on, like a stuck record, surely there is still things coming my way, positive things, happy things, loving things, and fun things, instead of negative bad luck that always seems to attach itself to me.

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surely there is still things coming my way, positive things, happy things, loving things, and fun things, instead of negative bad luck that always seems to attach itself to me.


It is said that every person experiences roughly the same amount of good and bad luck throughout their lives. But what they do with it when it comes makes all the difference. You can make a mess of good luck just as you can make something positive out of a negative situation. It's really up to you.


Look at me all up in agony aunts corner talking rubbish. Here, have some more.


There are people who believe in destiny, what will be will be, they simply allow life to happen to them. And then there are people who decide on the destiny they want, then go out and make it happen.


I'm actually on fire. I should get my own column or something.

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Depression is like a living entity, it's cruel in the sense it allows you to look out from your own wretchedness once in awhile and taste the bliss of what others enjoy, only to pull you back within your own four confining walls to consume what is left of your torment.


You keep doing this Bedders, seek some help. You want a quick fix by posting these threads.."tell me I'm nice, tell me it'll be ok, tell me it's a beautiful world". it isn't going to happen. Seek professional help...make it happen

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Hey, I am wondering now all grown up, whether you are where you wished to be at this stage of your life.


I mean, going back to your childhood or teenage years, when you looked to the future and had ambitions, were they ever realised?


I only say this as I am looking for a change of pace, a different path, a new start, a clean slate, you know what I mean.


I have been busy over recent years with all sorts of things, trying to be all things to all people and never really satisfying myself.


I have tried to fit in certain holes, to be included, to speak my mind, but often wish to just run away and make a fresh chapter.


I have had loads of life experiences through culture and work and have recently been pursuing customer focussed roles.


But having had experience in retail, teaching, hospitality and information technology, surely there are still new doors to go through.


I am very community focussed and love helping others, but found with helping people in retail, you feel like a pawn for the upper elite.


I would happily sell up all my possessions today, and move and share with someone else, to be apart of some other existence.


I am kind, not too confident nowadays due in large to mental illness and other things, but am worried that life is passing me by.


When I grab things, is this trying too hard, should I wait for things, is it best to be in charge of one's destiny or is fate among us.


In school, there is no way on earth that my wishes would have me end up where I am now, it would be the total opposite.


I wished to be settled in my 20's with a loving family and friends, good social life, instead of social isolation and crap luck with women.


I had so much potential to achieve great things, to be that person who people looked up to, instead of being expendable.


I will say this though, I am only 33, so hope and wish my best years are to come, but am scared to death of being 40, alone and in similar situations, things have to change, and am not always strong enough to pursue them, my wishes always have a way of doing the opposite.


I may have pushed people away with certain characteristics, cannot change the past, only the future, like really hoping to be accepted, to be with people, to trust people and to be trusted in return.


I could go on and on, like a stuck record, surely there is still things coming my way, positive things, happy things, loving things, and fun things, instead of negative bad luck that always seems to attach itself to me.


There is a well known saying "Lead or Follow" which I assume means it's down to you to decide whether you want to be in charge of your life or someone else to determine what happens to you.

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Don't keep looking back. Don't let what happened in the past determine what happens in the future. Don't listen to what other people have always told you you can't do ... and don't make a fetish out of a certain number, such as 40. Sorry about the list of don'ts, I'm actually feeling quite positive ...

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Hey, I am wondering now all grown up, whether you are where you wished to be at this stage of your life.


I mean, going back to your childhood or teenage years, when you looked to the future and had ambitions, were they ever realised?


I only say this as I am looking for a change of pace, a different path, a new start, a clean slate, you know what I mean.


I have been busy over recent years with all sorts of things, trying to be all things to all people and never really satisfying myself.


I have tried to fit in certain holes, to be included, to speak my mind, but often wish to just run away and make a fresh chapter.


I have had loads of life experiences through culture and work and have recently been pursuing customer focussed roles.


But having had experience in retail, teaching, hospitality and information technology, surely there are still new doors to go through.


I am very community focussed and love helping others, but found with helping people in retail, you feel like a pawn for the upper elite.


I would happily sell up all my possessions today, and move and share with someone else, to be apart of some other existence.


I am kind, not too confident nowadays due in large to mental illness and other things, but am worried that life is passing me by.


When I grab things, is this trying too hard, should I wait for things, is it best to be in charge of one's destiny or is fate among us.


In school, there is no way on earth that my wishes would have me end up where I am now, it would be the total opposite.


I wished to be settled in my 20's with a loving family and friends, good social life, instead of social isolation and crap luck with women.


I had so much potential to achieve great things, to be that person who people looked up to, instead of being expendable.


I will say this though, I am only 33, so hope and wish my best years are to come, but am scared to death of being 40, alone and in similar situations, things have to change, and am not always strong enough to pursue them, my wishes always have a way of doing the opposite.


I may have pushed people away with certain characteristics, cannot change the past, only the future, like really hoping to be accepted, to be with people, to trust people and to be trusted in return.


I could go on and on, like a stuck record, surely there is still things coming my way, positive things, happy things, loving things, and fun things, instead of negative bad luck that always seems to attach itself to me.


You've being posting the same stuff for years bedders - this is all getting very boring now.

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That is exactly how I feel most of the time BEDROCK! - I couldn't have put it better!! :/


I keep on telling myself that things will improve, but something always happens that messes things up in some way, either Im destined yo not be happy or im self destructive, either way, it's gotta change!! :(


I'm only so strong, but feel that strength draining at every turn or road block!! :/

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That is exactly how I feel most of the time BEDROCK! - I couldn't have put it better!! :/


I keep on telling myself that things will improve, but something always happens that messes things up in some way, either Im destined yo not be happy or im self destructive, either way, it's gotta change!! :(


I'm only so strong, but feel that strength draining at every turn or road block!! :/


Yes know what you mean, I enjoyed coming round to DJ at yours that time but could see you were struggling with things.


You can be assured I made the effort, think forums like this are wrong now, done it for years trying to find answers but keeping hitting walls.


I think sometimes we are destined for something, maybe something not what we think or set out to be, maybe.

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I think you have a profundity issue. You're always looking for answers and meanings, searching for goals. This will all change when you win the lottery and it's that, that you should focus on, sidelining occasionally with reality TV and alcohol.

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Sometimes people are unhappy for very little reason at all. I'm not saying people should be happy or unhappy, sometimes there are good reasons for either, it's about how the person affected by the conditions deals with them and that is generally down to perception.

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