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Thieves took my laptop


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Wow, that's got to be the winner of this years deferred gratification post award.


Can we refer him/her to the forum psychiatric unit?


Sorry to hear about this. Similar thing happend to me. They came in the kitchen and took stuff off the table. I spent hours looking or the CD front for the car, not realising until days later it had been nicked. Some people are so brazen. Now I try to lock stuff away if I am not about and I lock doors 1f there is no-one downstairs.


There should be a website somewhere that informs people where the crime hotspots are.

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Are you sure it was thieves who took it?


Seriously though, really sorry. It's awful when you lose days worth of work. I am a backup freak these days. I back up every half day ever since I got the blue screen of death a year or so ago.

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Been there had that! Can sympathise with you. The anger, frustration does subside, but you must LEARN from the theft.


If you use your computer for work (or it has valueble documents) it may well be worth looking into one of these programs that runs in the background. They are loaded up & you pay a small subsciption, but should your laptop be stolen, when the burglar or new 'owner of stolen goods' connects it to the internet it locates it's position via the I.P address & tells the program maker of it's location. They inform the police who 'nick' the burglar or 'purchaser of stolen goods' who have your property.


Suppose you have to assess the value of the stuff on the hard drive. Some people have stuff on their computers worth more than the computer itself.

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