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Abandoned baby in brum

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did you see the reports that over 80% of mental health beds have closed over the last three years?.. now who do you think closed them?

go on guess.... now put two and two together and what do you get.. then you will see the connection


Don't worry I'm sure they have one with your name on it :hihi::hihi:

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I think i am just trying to high light the lack of insight that the reports of terrible events have become recently.

its as though we have become immune to the most horrendous events, we just shrug our shoulders and don't dig too deeply into why, where and how things are becoming "desperate" for people in this so called rich country.


Lack of insight? Immune? Perhaps you haven't seen this thread?

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baby p?, keanu williams,hamzah khan... its been well documented that they were failed by the social services that were meant to protect them. why do you think that was????.could it have been government cutbacks?.

lets think


So Baby P was Labour's fault being as they were in power when it happened..as they were when Hamzah Khan died....

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baby p?, keanu williams,hamzah khan... its been well documented that they were failed by the social services that were meant to protect them. why do you think that was????.could it have been government cutbacks?.

lets think


Baby P died under Labour

Hamzah Khan died under Labour

Keanu Williams died 6 months into the current government before many cuts were made and/or felt, his abuse started under Labour


Sorry but your pathetic attempt to blame it on the Torys has fallen flat on it's face.


Would you like to try again and blame Thatcher???

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baby p?, keanu williams,hamzah khan... its been well documented that they were failed by the social services that were meant to protect them. why do you think that was????.could it have been government cutbacks?.

lets think


these poor dead babies....and always looking for who to blame..


really it was the parents who killed these poor souls-(I was told one child a week is killed by its parents in the UK) they were the ones to blame, they abused them, they lied to cover their tracks, they did not get them medical care.

Its not easy for social workers, health visitors, teachers etc to get kids away from parents even in dire circumstances......


and abandoned babies are different usually they are loved enough to be left where they will be found...and the mother may well have beeen watching..

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