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Anyone from Sheffield who has lived down south will agree with this

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I lived in Caversham / Reading for about a year and the hostility I got was great. But at least I had a car that went more than a mile without conking out, I didn't need to try and prove I was better than everyone else, I didn't drink 2 pints of weasel urine and then go home and give the Mrs a good kicking.

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There are many things down south that are better though. Sheffield is good because we were born here and there's a certain affection for it.


I actually like the fact I'm different down there, having said that, it's such a diverse city, London, that you might go all day without speaking to an actual Londoner.

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The title says it's about all Northerners, but loads of the references are particularly to Sheffield and South Yorkshire.




(Sorry about the other thread with the wrong title, I don't know how to change it)



The photo of the Yorkshire Dales in the link isn't the Yorkshire Dales.

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We moved down to Sussex when I was fifteen. I had a broad Sheffield accent at that time. The school I was transferred to was about a year behind the Sheffield school.

I got into a couple of fights with kids making fun of my accent. Luckily I was a pretty hefty kid back then so I prevailed. After that I was left well alone.


I still prefer Yorkshire folk when I take a trip back to the UK. The southerners partcularly the Londoners are either reserved or snobbish but I can excuse Londoners as they're not much different from any other people forced to live together in close proximity in great big overpopulated cities

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