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Anyone from Sheffield who has lived down south will agree with this

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I lived in London for about 4 years from age 12 to 16. At school children used to crowd round me to listen to my accent, they loved it. They also used to call me Yorkshire Pudding ( in a nice way though not bullying )



I hope you taught them Sheffieldish !!! :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I still prefer Yorkshire folk when I take a trip back to the UK. The southerners partcularly the Londoners are either reserved or snobbish but I can excuse Londoners as they're not much different from any other people forced to live together in close proximity in great big overpopulated cities


I agree that London isn't a friendly place, but it's a special case - one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world.


I wouldn't judge the rest of the south by London, I've always found the South that's away from the influence of London friendly enough and no different from the North.

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i lived on the south coast for a year and spent two years studying a day a week in london. the main differences on the south coast were (apart from the accent) the sense of humour and the frightened looks from people in the street if you acknowledged them in any way. i made some good friends in london. they had some great generalisations about "northerners" (like thinking manchester and sheffield must be next door to each other, we all wear flat caps or it's all like the film kes) but it was done in a nice innocent way rather than insulting. it made me more proud than ever to be from sheffield. you could NOT get chips and gravy from anywhere which was quite traumatic for me when i lived there - oxo and chips isn't quite the same as the stuff from the chippy

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I came back HOME from E6 yesterday after a week in the smoke,the amount of times we had to say things twice or even three times was funny and my accents not strong at all,but when we put it on thick we got some crazy looks.

I lived in Slough,berks for a while way back in the 80s and londons changed beyond belief,far more foreigners these days,where i was in east london,every other person spoke polish.

I love the place,so does my OH but they just dont GET us at all,chips with gravy,forget it,fish with mushy peas are all but replaced by kebabs.Its still all rush,noboddy takes time to talk,just like it was 30 odd years ago,maybe thats how the beatles came across hello goodbye.

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Nothing wrong with being proud to be a northerner, just don't think you are better than everyone else though.


I'm not sure that's the case, you always see Southerners trying to pull down people in the North, especially on TV, but it's rarely true of the other way around. Remember the Hale and Pace sketch?

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I'm not sure that's the case, you always see Southerners trying to pull down people in the North, especially on TV, but it's rarely true of the other way around. Remember the Hale and Pace sketch?


Hale and Pace ,a poor man's Cannon and Ball-I would destroy any archive containing their dross.


A lot of southerners like northern people,and most intelligent people look beyond things like accents and other similar characteristics-after all G.Boycott is very popular in Surrey.

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Yes you invented it(Hambledon) but Yorkshire captains have won more test series than Peter May,Cowdrey and Hussain.Not many girls like cricket.


---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 20:43 ----------



Well you label people as perverts which is rather rich,and illustrates the paucity of your vocabulary.The thread is based on stereotyping which you enthusiastically perpetuate.


People who mess with kids are perverts, but as usual you twist facts to suit you, I mean calling each other names, like you 2 had BIG DIFFERENCE . But in your perfect world that's quite acceptable, strange person but hey ho onwards and upwards.


Just out of interest I suppose you don't call kiddie fiddlers perverts, if you don't; its you that's wrong as they are.


If you want to insult me never,never refer to me as a mod in waiting, you can call me what you want but mod I draw the line.

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Why are Northerners so defensive? I can't imagine finding a thread like this on a Southern forum as you just don't get this level of "chip on shoulder" down South. I grew up in the South East and can't remember a single instance of negativity or mickey-taking directed at Northerners.

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