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Cold water washing..

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All I'll say is if washing at a low temperature is supposed to be bad, why do they sell powder & tablets that clean at 30 degrees. We use 60 degrees most of the time, but wools & that 40.


They reckon washing cold is eco-friendly. The article posted above says it can save you a whole £13 a year! No doubt it reduces your carbon footprint by several sizes too.


It doesn't kill all the germs though apparently, so its a tough choice which way to go really!


The washing detergents that say they are good at cleaning on a cold wash will possibly contain bleaches and other ingredients to kill germs at low heats though.

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They reckon washing cold is eco-friendly. The article posted above says it can save you a whole £13 a year! No doubt it reduces your carbon footprint by several sizes too.


It doesn't kill all the germs though apparently, so its a tough choice which way to go really!


The washing detergents that say they are good at cleaning on a cold wash will possibly contain bleaches and other ingredients to kill germs at low heats though.


Thanks Leah-Lacie being a bloke I just sort them, and put in machine......I do know what to keep apart though:)

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All I'll say is if washing at a low temperature is supposed to be bad, why do they sell powder & tablets that clean at 30 degrees. We use 60 degrees most of the time, but wools & that 40.


some of these are the biological powders- contain manufactured enzymes, if you wash above say 40 they are destroyed and won't disolve what they are meant to. (eg fat, or protein etc)

Soap powders alone work differently.

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