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The real state of the UK economy?

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I haven't posted on this forum for some time but I thought this is important enough to share and I'd like to hear people's take on it.

As usual with these philosophical types, be it from the political left or, like this guy, a libertarian, he doesn't offer much in the way of any practical solutions to the problem. He mainly presents a lot of figures and then highlights the problems brought about by large government/high taxation (views that I have some sympathy with) but, of course, ignores the problems caused by having a less regulated, entirely free market driven society.

I'm also not keen on his smarmy, condescending, self triumphalist attitude (probably because he reminds me of me! ;)).

It's just over an hour long and can get a bit tiresome but please stick with it as, if the figures are correct, it means we could be in for some serious austerity for decades to come.

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"If the figures are correct"


It's some crappy video on YouTube, there's a very good chance the figures are a load of bull and just made-up to support whatever it is they're moaning about.


Just because it's on Youtube doesn't necessarily mean it's crappy. That's no better than an ad hom attack. I'm interested to hear what you think of the content which includes a full range of figures on the economy plus his interpretation of them. If you think he's wrong please tell me why you think so, ideally backed up with evidence of your own.



---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 18:02 ----------


Sorry, haven't got an hour to waste.


That's ok Halibut. I thought it might be a little too long for your attention span. :)

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Just because it's on Youtube doesn't necessarily mean it's crappy. That's no better than an ad hom attack. I'm interested to hear what you think of the content which includes a full range of figures on the economy plus his interpretation of them. If you think he's wrong please tell me why you think so, ideally backed up with evidence of your own.



---------- Post added 01-11-2013 at 18:02 ----------



That's ok Halibut. I thought it might be a little too long for your attention span. :)


This all sounds like homework. Will it count to my overall forum grade?

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Britain's answer to economic prosperity in my opinion is:


Cancel HS2 and use the money for a new runway at Heathrow.

Start a Council House building program.


I agree with this Poppet. Part of the rationale of HS2 was that it would stimulate the economy as well as link the north with the south....though by the time the project is underway and up and running Britain could have had 2 recssions....Besides which it's the usual suspects Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham as well as London that'll benefit. I guess the South West and the East of England will be feeling excluded.


Social housing for all parts of the UK is a much better and equitable use of the money

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I agree with this Poppet. Part of the rationale of HS2 was that it would stimulate the economy as well as link the north with the south....though by the time the project is underway and up and running Britain could have had 2 recssions....Besides which it's the usual suspects Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham as well as London that'll benefit. I guess the South West and the East of England will be feeling excluded.


Social housing for all parts of the UK is a much better and equitable use of the money


I agree. HS2 should be cancelled. I'm from the south and only came to Sheffield to go to uni. I'll be out of here before HS2 kicks off and would prefer that my taxes weren't wasted trying to bring jobs to the north where no one appreciates them anyhow. Lets save the billions, most of it would come from tax payers down south anyhow.

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I agree. HS2 should be cancelled. I'm from the south and only came to Sheffield to go to uni. I'll be out of here before HS2 kicks off and would prefer that my taxes weren't wasted trying to bring jobs to the north where no one appreciates them anyhow. Lets save the billions, most of it would come from tax payers down south anyhow.


I trust you are not studying Economics or a related discipline.

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I trust you are not studying Economics or a related discipline.


No I'm studying law. However I did buy a very nice house just outside Sheffield at a price I could only dream about back home. I got it just on the bottom of the market and expect to double my money during my studies, although that will probably involve selling it on to another southern student as there really isn't the cash around in Sheffield.


The only thing HS2 would do for the south is to allow folks to commute to London from further afield. As the biggest part of UK tax is collected south of Cambridge, it is those folk who would pay the bulk of the costs for building a line that the moaners up north don't appear to want.

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