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The real state of the UK economy?

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It's just over an hour long and can get a bit tiresome but please stick with it as, if the figures are correct, it means we could be in for some serious austerity for decades to come.


I only managed to watch 5 minutes; but I agree, our borrowing and finacial position has hardly changed.

We have just gone from the Conservatives saying we were f****d by Labour, to its all right now, with doing very little.

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I only managed to watch 5 minutes; but I agree, our borrowing and finacial position has hardly changed.

We have just gone from the Conservatives saying we were f****d by Labour, to its all right now, with doing very little.


The media, specifically the rightwing media which is most of it, are trying to talk up the economy ahead of the 2015 election but everywhere I look I am not seeing any improvement and everyone I know, have come across, are same the same sort of things.

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The media, specifically the rightwing media which is most of it, are trying to talk up the economy ahead of the 2015 election but everywhere I look I am not seeing any improvement and everyone I know, have come across, are same the same sort of things.


Yes, spot on. The difference between growth and reccession is very small anyway, it will hardly ever just stay the same. But if our population grows, this makes the size of the ecomomy grow, but that does not mean that the people themselves will be richer. And then we have to look at which sectors of the economy is growing, and rich verses poor.

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Just because it's on Youtube doesn't necessarily mean it's crappy. That's no better than an ad hom attack. I'm interested to hear what you think of the content which includes a full range of figures on the economy plus his interpretation of them. If you think he's wrong please tell me why you think so, ideally backed up with evidence of your own.



But neither does it make it valid either. I could put a clip on YouTube with diametrically the opposite position. Would you take that on board too, or just the one that supports your preconceived idea. In other words search the net until you find someone as disillusioned as yourself and use it to prove you were right all along and the rest of the world is out of step.:loopy::loopy:

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I read all these posts with great interest and came to one conclusion...what a vile piece of 'humanity' Uptowngirl really is. With your attitude you are perfectly suited to a career in law. I bet your 'friends' live for the nights they can't remember you and the days you are out of their lives.

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Britain's debt now stands at 1.46 trillion. That's £56,000 per person.


That doesn't sound like a recovery to me.


Great piece on this in the Independent today. Despite sustained record low interest rates households in general have not paid down debt, missing a golden opportunity. When interest rates rise.....kaboom.

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Great piece on this in the Independent today. Despite sustained record low interest rates households in general have not paid down debt, missing a golden opportunity. When interest rates rise.....kaboom.


Probably missed it due to having to pay the crippling rises in the cost of fuel, food and other essentials. When those rates go up, I fear you are correct with your kaboom :|

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I keep finding myself going back to this as a truer reflection of how things are today. http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/ramesh-patel/growth-cameron-austerity_b_2007552.html I know the HP has its problems but so does the DM, The Sun, The Telegraph, The Independent and other sources of opinions people try and use to back up their views.

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