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Gunman opens fire at Los Angeles International Airport

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Somebody, somewhere in America will be shot dead some time every day, probably more than one.


I've seen figures suggesting just under 10,000 people killed due to gun violence (i.e. not including suicide) so far in 2013.


That's a lot more than one a day.

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Thanks for illustrating my point


I'm always a bit curious why somebody unconnected with America gets all worked up over gun control. Do you have relatives living here?

There will be more shootings. The latest one being shots fired in a shopping mall in New Jersey. No one targeted and the shooter, a white man killed himself afterwards.

There must a multitude of screwed up individuals like him wandering around and this kind of lunacy seems to run among youngish white males but there's no good worrying about it. The chances of it happening to me or anybody else are still a million to one and that's the main thing.

I stand far more chance of being killed or injured in a road accident by some careless, reckless or drunk driver.


In short matey it what's called C'est la vie

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Buck, trust me I would not have shown that insensitivity that was awful, little kids and such but you should know by now fella that's how some folk are on SF :loopy::loopy:


The problem with bucks statement is that it's untrue. Insensitivity towards those that have lost family in any situation is actually a croc...


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:07 ----------


I'm always a bit curious why somebody unconnected with America gets all worked up over gun control. Do you have relatives living here?


Yes, I have. Would that make some sort of difference?

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The problem with bucks statement is that it's untrue. Insensitivity towards those that have lost family in any situation is actually a croc...


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:07 ----------



Yes, I have. Would that make some sort of difference?


Here's the good news. The chances of your relatives being the victims of a shooter is a few million to one.


The bad: Road accidents, hurricanes,tornados, earthquakes, floods and killer snow storms. Concern yourself with those scenarios and may your relatives live in peace and safely nevertheless

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Instead of spouting wind and pizz



You mean like the following pre-pubescent rant?


You could start the letter such as:


Honourable Members of the Supreme court


I am a young Sheffield lad and I'm passionately concerned about some of the aspects in the manner in which you run your country..........


I'm sure if they saw that letter came from someone in Sheffield they'd sit up and take notice right away


Go on! Be a devil and do it ! :hihi:


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:51 ----------


Here's the good news. The chances of your relatives being the victims of a shooter is a few million to one.


The bad: Road accidents, hurricanes,tornados, earthquakes, floods and killer snow storms. Concern yourself with those scenarios and may your relatives live in peace and safely nevertheless


To date: Quote. 10,000 people killed due to gun violence (i.e. not including suicide) so far in 2013.


How many have been killed by natural disasters in the US this year so far? I'll go as far as to say how many combined through "hurricanes,tornados, earthquakes, floods and killer snow storms".


How many nutters walk into a school packing a Chevy under their arms?


Stop using stupid analogies, they just make you look dim.

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I'm always a bit curious why somebody unconnected with America gets all worked up over gun control

What makes you think I'm worked up over gun control? Can you show a post of mine which indicates this (and, if it's not apparent, explain how it indicates this) ?


On the other hand, I'd ask you why you (and the other one or two) get so worked up about people discussing America's gun problem. Would you like me to show posts which indicate that you do get worked up about it?

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What makes you think I'm worked up over gun control? Can you show a post of mine which indicates this (and, if it's not apparent, explain how it indicates this) ?


On the other hand, I'd ask you why you (and the other one or two) get so worked up about people discussing America's gun problem. Would you like me to show posts which indicate that you do get worked up about it?


Not all at once please, the server couldn't handle it.

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You mean like the following pre-pubescent rant?



---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:51 ----------



To date: Quote. 10,000 people killed due to gun violence (i.e. not including suicide) so far in 2013.


How many have been killed by natural disasters in the US this year so far? I'll go as far as to say how many combined through "hurricanes,tornados, earthquakes, floods and killer snow storms".


Where did you get 10,000 from and since when? How many of them were drug dealing, pimping gang scum who were no use to society anyway.


How many nutters walk into a school packing a Chevy under their arms?


Stop using stupid analogies, they just make you look dim.


Where did you get 10,000 from and since when?


You are of course free to continue bleating impotently about the evils of gun ownership but you haven't a clue how to stop the violence and murder caused by the use of guns and neither I suspect does anybody else. You couldnt take way enough guns to stop it and even if you did more would come across the borders from Mexico and Canada. You cant even stop guns being imported illegally into your own insulated little island.


Trying to find solutions that work in England for a country the size and population of America just make you look dim


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 04:05 ----------


I'd quite like to have a gun.


Oh no! Didnt you know that having a gun could turn you into a frothing at the mouth wild eyed psychopath. That's why they dont allow em in England :D

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I'd quite like to have a gun.

I'd like to have a gun (.44 revolver) too

Where did you get 10,000 from and since when?


You are of course free to continue bleating impotently about the evils of gun ownership but you haven't a clue how to stop the violence and murder caused by the use of guns and neither I suspect does anybody else. You couldnt take way enough guns to stop it and even if you did more would come across the borders from Mexico and Canada.

By that way of thinking then, surely you're all for legalising drugs, as you can't stop them being smuggled in?


You cant even stop guns being imported illegally into your own insulated little island.


Trying to find solutions that work in England for a country the size and population of America just make you look dim

You can't stop guns (or other contraband) being smuggled in anywhere, ever. You can, however, reduce gun crime in general.

The thing is, we (in England) don't have a gun problem as such. If everyone had teh right to own a gun, without the need for registration or a license, then no doubt things might be very different.



Oh no! Didnt you know that having a gun could turn you into a frothing at the mouth wild eyed psychopath.

What makes you say that?

That's why they dont allow em in England :D
Guns are allowed in England
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