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Gunman opens fire at Los Angeles International Airport

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Here's the good news. The chances of your relatives being the victims of a shooter is a few million to one.


The bad: Road accidents, hurricanes,tornados, earthquakes, floods and killer snow storms. Concern yourself with those scenarios and may your relatives live in peace and safely nevertheless

Careful what you say to Ronnie, he's likely to talk to the mods. I've had bans just after he's responded to me. Being called a prepubescent ranter ought to be worth a ban. But we're above that.
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Careful what you say to Ronnie, he's likely to talk to the mods. I've had bans just after he's responded to me. Being called a prepubescent ranter ought to be worth a ban. But we're above that.


Are you sure it's Ron who tells the mods?

Maybe they just think that repeatedly making false claims against fellow posters & needless ranting in an attempt to derail the thread are actions worthy of a ban

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I'd like to have a gun (.44 revolver) too


By that way of thinking then, surely you're all for legalising drugs, as you can't stop them being smuggled in?



You can't stop guns (or other contraband) being smuggled in anywhere, ever. You can, however, reduce gun crime in general.

The thing is, we (in England) don't have a gun problem as such. If everyone had teh right to own a gun, without the need for registration or a license, then no doubt things might be very different.



What makes you say that?

Guns are allowed in England


Did you know that a gun can be manufactured from a 3-D copier? Dont believe me? Read up on it. The technology is in it's infancy but it's possible even now. So what's your answer to gun control years hence when 3-D copiers become more and more in common use?


Oh yes! Let me guess. They'll ban 3-D copiers in Britain :D


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 18:14 ----------


Careful what you say to Ronnie, he's likely to talk to the mods. I've had bans just after he's responded to me. Being called a prepubescent ranter ought to be worth a ban. But we're above that.


Ron's a man with a mission. Please dont spoil it for him :)


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 18:16 ----------


I'd like to have a gun (.44 revolver) too


By that way of thinking then, surely you're all for legalising drugs, as you can't stop them being smuggled in?



You can't stop guns (or other contraband) being smuggled in anywhere, ever. You can, however, reduce gun crime in general.

The thing is, we (in England) don't have a gun problem as such. If everyone had teh right to own a gun, without the need for registration or a license, then no doubt things might be very different.



What makes you say that?

Guns are allowed in England


I dare say some people in England are allowed guns like Lord and Lady Shell-Burst who like to do a little grouse shootin' now and then

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Did you know that a gun can be manufactured from a 3-D copier?

Do you mean 3D printer? Yes, I did know that. It's actually my business to know that. Did you know that a gun can be made out of a piece of tube and a few other bits?

Dont believe me? Read up on it.
Why wouldn't I believe you? The printed gun thing has been over-sensationalised by the media for most of the year now.

The technology is in it's infancy but it's possible even now.
It's not in it's infancy. I first saw a 3D printer being used back in 1999 and they were invented in the 70's.

So what's your answer to gun control years hence when 3-D copiers become more and more in common use?


Oh yes! Let me guess. They'll ban 3-D copiers in Britain :D

My answer is that I don't think there'll be a problem. Some people may be tempted to print a plastic (and crappy-looking) gun, but when it occurs to them that they have to obtain the ammo and there's a rather large chance of the gun injuring the user, they may think twice.

If people are really determined to make their own gun, they will do it with or without a 3D printer. This type of person is not the majority of people.

I dare say some people in England are allowed guns like Lord and Lady Shell-Burst who like to do a little grouse shootin' now and then

No, anybody who meets the requirements may own a gun.

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Did you know that a gun can be manufactured from a 3-D copier? Dont believe me? Read up on it. The technology is in it's infancy but it's possible even now. So what's your answer to gun control years hence when 3-D copiers become more and more in common use?


And all the 3D printed guns so far have more chance of blowing your own hand off than actually shooting anyone.

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Careful what you say to Ronnie, he's likely to talk to the mods. I've had bans just after he's responded to me. Being called a prepubescent ranter ought to be worth a ban. But we're above that.


Maybe, but you surely are not.


Your insinuation is as baseless as your accusation that forumers are insensitive to the plight of those who have been on the receiving end of gun toting morons.


In both instances you've been unable to provide any evidence to corroborate, Why? Simply because there isn't any, otherwise you'd be dug in like an Alabama tick. If anything I'm likely to question moderation rather than go squealing to them as you pathetically suggest.

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And all the 3D printed guns so far have more chance of blowing your own hand off than actually shooting anyone.


Early days yet. Wait until it's tweeked a bit more


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 22:53 ----------


Do you mean 3D printer? Yes, I did know that. It's actually my business to know that. Did you know that a gun can be made out of a piece of tube and a few other bits?

Why wouldn't I believe you? The printed gun thing has been over-sensationalised by the media for most of the year now.

It's not in it's infancy. I first saw a 3D printer being used back in 1999 and they were invented in the 70's.

My answer is that I don't think there'll be a problem. Some people may be tempted to print a plastic (and crappy-looking) gun, but when it occurs to them that they have to obtain the ammo and there's a rather large chance of the gun injuring the user, they may think twice.

If people are really determined to make their own gun, they will do it with or without a 3D printer. This type of person is not the majority of people.


No, anybody who meets the requirements may own a gun.


So you think a criminal who really needs a gun is going to be bothered much about "chances" He's already taking a chance in carrying out what he intends to do. The ammo is no problem. Like anything else if there's a demand for it and the price is right it's available. As 3-D technology improves the guns will become much more reliable and easier to make. Stands to reason. Nothing in the world of technology stands still


And what's the requirenmments for owning a gun in Britain these days. If I wanted a gun for home protection or just to fire off at the shooting range would I get one?

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