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Any tips on how to deal with strong characters in the workplace?

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Any tips on how to deal with strong characters in the workplace? I am an introvert and find I get overshadowed by people who express themselves in large groups. I fade into the background and I want to be noticed but without the look at me type attention. Thanks

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This tends to get better, the more you understand your work and know your facts. Then when someone pipes up with some b******s, you find you are literally incapable of keeping your mouth shut! You are not alone - many introverts and extroverts alike find it hard to contribute in large groups. Having a chairperson in meetings helps; you can just signal to them if you've got something to say, instead of trying to interrupt the gobby ones.

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Any tips on how to deal with strong characters in the workplace? I am an introvert and find I get overshadowed by people who express themselves in large groups. I fade into the background and I want to be noticed but without the look at me type attention. Thanks


I would focus on asking more questions and looking to express your opinion.Become an expert on a work-related topic such as bus routes to work.People will flock to you for advice.

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Any tips on how to deal with strong characters in the workplace? I am an introvert and find I get overshadowed by people who express themselves in large groups. I fade into the background and I want to be noticed but without the look at me type attention. Thanks


i think you're mistaken in thinking that introvert equates to 'weak'. by 'expressing' themselves i'm guessing you mean they can talk in front of large groups. yes, no, maybe?


if you have ideas, suggestions etc you could always speak to the right people in one on one situations, email them etc. if they think these are good ideas you'll soon see that they make sure you get a chance to be heard.

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It's difficult at first but just bite the bullet and raise your voice, don't try and wait for a gap in the conversation just pipe up loud and clear "may I say something" or similar, stun the gobby ones into silence with your new found assertiveness, giving you a chance to speak.

If they are so rude as to ignore and talk over the top of you, maybe, if not totally inappropriate, walk out calmly, while muttering "not much point me being in this meeting" (if it is a meeting)

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