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Condensation from bedroom window wetting bed under it

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We have a dehumidifier now ,problem is they eat electric .


Mine is only 390watts and they only run until the moisture content in the location is down to what the stat has been set at. Set at the “normal” position in the bedroom after getting up, mine will run for an hour and then switch off. If one continues to run (in a bedroom for example) either the moisture stat is set incorrectly or the room is extremely damp (or the window is open). 390watts is nothing, maybe similar to a small fridge. A kettle is around 2000watts.

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A person while sleeping breathes out around one pint of moisture, thus two is double that. I suggest asphyxiation would solve the problem, or at least cut it down. Ventilation also helps, so open a window or two and get a better duvet.


Fit double glazing.


Move the bed from under the window to the garden

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