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Mother died today

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It is twenty four years since I lost my parents. My mother died first & then my father nine months later, of a broken heart, could not live without her.


Whilst I still think of them constantly, the initial pain & sense of loss has become bearable & acceptable.


No doubt that doesn't sound possible right now, but that is the way that life works.


Please accept my condolences, there really is no way to comfort someone for the loss of a parent.

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Find a picture of her that you love and instill that into your mind . Give yourself time to grieve and in your own way .It will take time but one day you will think of her without it hurting so much . So sorry for your loss ,may she rest in peace .

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Got a missed phone call tonight from my sister. Returned her call and Knew by the sound of her voice what she was about to say. Had been very sick for a while. Drove straight to the emergency division of the hospital. The sight of her lying there still,lifeless is something that will live with me forever. Put my hand on her forehead not exactly sure why. Stayed five minutes or less,a few by myself. Should have stayed longer but it hurt.


please dont this the wrong way but, should you be on here today

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My mum died in 1980, but I still miss her. She the most selfless woman that ever lived. She was clever, a beautiful knitter/sewer/cook. I 'talk' to her from time to time, and tell her what has happened in my life in the lives of the grandaughters she adored. You only ever have ONE mum.

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