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The poor like being underpaid it seems

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How is it proof?


It's a single figure, you've not contrasted it with 12 months before, or the long term historical average or whether the number is going up or down.

It was reported on the BBC news yesterday that more then 80,000 children in the UK are going to be homeless this Christmas. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, its a shocking statistic.


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It was reported on the BBC news yesterday that more then 80,000 children in the UK are going to be homeless this Christmas. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, its a shocking statistic.



It's not shocking at all once you know the statement came from Shelter, an organisation whose whole purpose is to exaggerate the number of homeless people and in doing so attract more funding and donations. Charities always make things seem worse than they are for this reason.

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"the poor" have very little choice in the matter. these days just to work and bring home enough to "BARELY" survive on seems to be the new norm.

what did we expect? what with rising global population and diminishing resources the commodity of working people is every increasing.

couple that with the greed of business and you have the perfect storm, the motto of every increasing profit is like a religion to the powerful coperations.

its unsustainable and the point where that is becoming clear is now.

its profit,profit, profit. at whatever cost........ its the poor who are paying the most for that mantra.

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It's not shocking at all once you know the statement came from Shelter, an organisation whose whole purpose is to exaggerate the number of homeless people and in doing so attract more funding and donations. Charities always make things seem worse than they are for this reason.
What a cynical attitude. They are not exaggerating they are drawing attention to a serious crisis, that is getting increasingly worse.

Somebody has to do that, because the government certainly won't.

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What a cynical attitude. They are not exaggerating they are drawing attention to a serious crisis, that is getting increasingly worse.

Somebody has to do that, because the government certainly won't.


Not cynical at all, have a look how much the Shelter Chief Exec earns. They lie through their teeth, trust me, I am in regular contact.

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It's not shocking at all once you know the statement came from Shelter, an organisation whose whole purpose is to exaggerate the number of homeless people and in doing so attract more funding and donations. Charities always make things seem worse than they are for this reason.

That's a good cop out:suspect:


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 17:32 ----------


Originally Posted by rickiethecat View Post

It's not shocking at all once you know the statement came from Shelter, an organisation whose whole purpose is to exaggerate the number of homeless people and in doing so attract more funding and donations. Charities always make things seem worse than they are for this reason.


What a cynical attitude. They are not exaggerating they are drawing attention to a serious crisis, that is getting increasingly worse.

Somebody has to do that, because the government certainly won't.


If you posted how 8 British pensioners died per hour from cold related problems during a recent winter rickiethecat would no doubt have the same callous attitude.


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 17:33 ----------


Originally Posted by tinfoilhat View Post

That goes along the assumption that every owner of a business is a Victorian mill owner made real. A lot won't have massive profits and a big jump in wages may see them go to the wall. You could argue "oh well they're crap businesses so let them go to the wall" and to an extent you're right, most of them small businesses. Some of them will be far bigger and just move overseas and continue to sell us stuff. I know a similar argument was put forward for minimum wage and was proved rubbish but most firms were roughly paying it anyway.


Maybe the companies that can't pay a living wage should go to the wall.


I don't see why the tax payer should subsidise wages from a private company. If you are employed, you should be paid enough to live.

Agree 101%, this forum is awash with those in denial.
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Not cynical at all, have a look how much the Shelter Chief Exec earns. They lie through their teeth, trust me, I am in regular contact.
You seem to be claiming without proof, the charity is unworthy of merit and is unethical, in order to deny the problem of homelessness. You are music to the ears of the government.

Many other large charities pay their chief executives what we would consider to be a high salary, its a separate issue that has nothing to do with the thread topic.

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Originally Posted by Hillpig View Post

Not cynical at all, have a look how much the Shelter Chief Exec earns. They lie through their teeth, trust me, I am in regular contact.


You seem to be claiming without proof, the charity is unworthy of merit and is unethical, in order to deny the problem of homelessness. You are music to the ears of the government.

Many other large charities pay their chief executives what we would consider to be a high salary, its a separate issue that has nothing to do with the thread topic.


The way that some on here support all the ills and wrong doings in this country it would be very easy to form the opinion that they have ulterior motives, it always seems to be the same bunch.

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It seems you have not read the article highlighted web page, and as usual give your opinions about a subject you have not bothered to investigate. The article is from SHELTER and gives you the answers you inform do not exist.

I didn't say they don't exist.

I said that you hadn't provided any details. It's your assertion, is there some reason you can't actually provide sufficient evidence to support your claim, instead of just a link?


One can extrapolate from the information you decided was not worth investigating that something is possibly wrong with the economy if the figures for child poverty are rising so much. But then again an opinion the world is flat, overrides the proof that it is not, but would make the OPINION seem somewhat retarded. Fossils remain static, as are psychological impediments to some of the living.

How much are they rising, all you've shared is a single figure. It's like you don't actually know how to make a point.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 07:35 ----------


Gynt, we're still waiting.


Can you show some posts defending what the bankers did?


No answer to this?

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So some need the comfort of the BBC to qualify, the survey taken on behalf of the government by SHELTER to give it authenticity, despite the fat the link to Shelter itself was available.


The link is a Quote, and quotes when used properly can it seem Mr Cyclone actually give a statement validity. They also mention the number has increased, but realise that making idiotic statements without bothering to find out what it alla about, might tend to make people think you are all bluster and no trousers, which you seem to want to make everyone know.

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