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Cliques in the workplace

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Some people are childish, selfish arseholes, simple as that. I see it in all sorts of companies I visit. I'm not sure what you can ask an employer to do - you can't sack people for being selfish or mean.


What do you mean some people? Isn't self-interest the primarily driving force for the vast majority of people?

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I always have and do! :hihi:


I guess that would depend on what you class as getting somewhere eh.


You'll be telling us next you didn't have to kiss your bosses behind to gain fast track advancement in the work place.

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Trying to get to the head of the pack is one thing, kicking people to get there is quite another.


They're just protecting their self-interest; perhaps they're also driven by fear (of change, or the unknown).


Some people are blunt and honest with regards their self-interest, some people pretend they don't have it, some people are unaware they are have it. Whatever, it's no big deal.

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