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Correct order of Wording?

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In these particular circumstances, on this particular thread, it might be better to save your criticisms, or start another thread detailing your personal objections to tatts? They're just asking for opinions on the wording ... not whether she should do it or not.


Point taken. I was simply hoping to raise a debate about the subject in hand. Didn't realise I'd be censored for doing so.


Grief and loss affect everyone differently. If the lady feels the need to do this, who are the rest of us to judge her?
That's rather naive. We 'judge' people all the time as a result of how they act, speak, dress... the image they project of themselves. If you saw someone in the street with a snarling Rottweiler on a lead, or wearing an inflatable sausage on their head, you'd form a judgement about those lifestyle choices, no doubt. I was merely asking why having tattoos is something some people feel the need to do, since it flies in the face of reason and imagination. You may well disagree with that view, but I think I have a right to express it.
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Point taken. I was simply hoping to raise a debate about the subject in hand


The wording of a particular phrase you mean? (Thread title and OP ask for the best word order)


. Didn't realise I'd be censored for doing so.

You haven't been censored, you've been censured.

That's rather naiveYou may well disagree with that view, but I think I have a right to express it.


Of course you have that right, but when you express it cloddishly and inappropriately, expect to get called on it.


As you have been.


However when you correctly pointed out that

[You were] merely asking why having tattoos is something some people feel the need to do, since it flies in the face of reason and imagination,

you revealed yourself to be astonishingly ignorant.

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The wording of a particular phrase you mean? (Thread title and OP ask for the best word order)
No, the subject of tattoos generally.



You haven't been censored, you've been censured.

On this forum the two are generally indistinguishable.


Of course you have that right, but when you express it cloddishly and inappropriately, expect to get called on it.
The fact that you dislike my views does not make them, or my expression of them, cloddish.



However when you correctly pointed out that ...

you revealed yourself to be astonishingly ignorant

I've noticed you often try to patronise people who disagree with you. I would however be interested to know whether by 'ignorant' you mean ignorant of something (which I had just said I was - ie of why people feel the need to inflict tattoos on themselves) or whether you were challenging my comment about imagination. If so, why? It was a valid point : one aspect of imagination is the ability to think beyond the here and now. If people could genuinely do that, they would perhaps realise that a tattoo which seems like a trendy, beautiful, amazing thing to do now, might end up being an ugly, embarrassing Albatross round their neck (perhaps literally, depending on their taste in tattoos) in 10 or 20 years' time.


But no doubt you'll be throwing yourself about as I've veered off topic again, please assume the above questions are purely rhetorical and don't bother to answer, cloddishly or otherwise.

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I still don't see why these personal mottoes/messages/narratives have to be stamped painfully and permanently on someone's flesh. What's the point? I have thought about this for a while and can only come up with


(a) the tattoed person thinks it will make them look more attractive (they are probably wrong)

(b) the tattoed person doesn't like their body as it is and feels the need to improve it permanently (it won't)

© they have more money than sense

(d) they think it will make them a bit different and distinctive (well, it might but not in a good way)

(e) they enjoy pain

(f) they lack the imagination to visualise what the tattoo will make them look like in the future when tattoos are out of fashion again, they are older and wrinklier and the person for whom they might have had the tattoo done on their buttock/back etc, in the first place may not be around any more.


I can see the point of temporary ones - like the stickers you used to suck and stick to your arm when you were a kid. But why make it indelible? If you love someone surely you shouldn't need to stick needles in yourself and emblazon inky pictures over your bum to prove it?

I agree. It's a remarkably primitive and self-obsessive fixation to imprint some supposedly meaningful script on oneself.

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