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What do you think to tesco using facial scanning in petrol stations?

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Yet the judge had to order a woman in court (a court of this land) to remove hers.


..and what does that have to do with the price of fish?


I'm guessing not all burka wearers are the same person under the burka or all have identical thinking styles-in fact I know that for a "fact".

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Before anyone points this out. I know I've contributed to this thread so shouldn't really 'mod' it. But life's full of exceptions. :)


Could we please not have this thread derailed into anything other than the subject matter please?


Thanks very much!



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back out are you?

What does it matter If they refuse to uncover their faces then they should not be allowed to use the facilities.


Why should they? As daft a statement as Ive ever seen. The techonology's in place so Tesco can improve profits, not as an excuse to persecute their customers which would have completely the opposite effect on revenue.

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You are not allowed into stores with a helmet on, or a balaclava. But yet, fully covered up foreign folks are. But that is a topic for another time.


I seem to have to repeat this every time this issue comes up. A significant proportion of bank robberies have been perpetrated by people wearing full face helmets or balaclavas. That is why wearing them is banned in banks. If a significant proportion of bank robberies become perpetrated by people wearing burkas I'm sure the banks will review their policies on customers wearing them.

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Really? I haven't seen any such prohibition in any stores.



Eughh.."fully covered up foreign folk", that says a lot about your mindset. It probably escapes your thinking that many women who choose to wear the burka aren't in fact foreign.


I was trying to be politically correct, as not to offend anyone. Thanks for that though, but I respectfully disagree.

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Well never forget one little thing............Corporations sell data...........IT has value, and when linked to credit cards which it will, becomes a useful tool with many applications.


Obviously this sort of information has no immediate use to Tesco's as the money pours in anyway, and with immediate limited marketing value too.


But lets jump to the near future, when on entering a shop your cards a re read while in your pocket, and items are priced electronically as you are being individually monitored as you move round the shops. Prices can be adjusted individually as you shop and when you pay at the till as you will never remember all the costs of individual items.


So the scruffy/poor can pay more and thus be discouraged from contaminating the premises for the sake of their richer betters. But that is when cash is no longer needed, and everyone life in monitored in detail, and the police knocking on any one with suspicious accounts.


The future is a dream not even George Orwell could have imagined, welcome to compliance, indifference....

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