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Strike action in the public and private sectors !

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The facts are out there,(check how the care industry operates) the loopholes are well documented.

These are not sob stories, but real life. I care not to elaborate, for you are obviously lacking in compassion.

I'm fortunate not to know you my friend. Yawn


Yawn indeed. Compassion is something I have for those in genuine need. Those who have a severe limitation in their lives that they cannot control and cannot recover from. Those who live in such dire conditions with absolutely no hope of survival. Those who go without food, water and basic human needs. Those born with or developed such disabilities which has a catastrophic affect on their lives without access to any support/respite/accommodation/medication or healthcare.


That does not apply to 99.9999...% of people living in the 6th wealthiest nation of earth with a welfare state that provides a basic living standard for every born citizen and adopted national from birth onwards.


I say again, even despite the loopholes. Low pay is not POVERTY.


I will stand corrected with regards minimum wage in care work and yes, I am aware of the loopholes - stretched hours, no paid travel to work, no paid time whilst in sleepover at a service users home.


However, lots of people don't get travel time including in their working hours. Lots of people don't get any paid overtime. People, particularly on a fixed salaried wage don't get a penny for working over. We have a luxury in this country. If you don't like it? - you do something about it and seek another job. Don't find another job and the state will provide for you until you do.


Now, unnecessary personal insult aside, care to answer my points about education? Homelessness? What is realistically defined as Poverty? Certainly not the sob stories you are spouting.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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