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Do people take enough responsibility for their own lives?

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To be pedantic, by using insurance you are doing just that. .other policy holders will be paying your mortgage etc.. :)


Not the same as avoiding responsibility though is it. The insurance will pay out as per the contract they've entered into, and if it never pays out, it makes a profit.

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In my own sphere of interest, I think people might be directed to a sense of (rotten tomatoes in the stocks!) responsibility if the word "accident" was used more sparingly.

For me (and this might be semantics) the word accident has connotations of "diddums", "never mind", "it'll all sort itself out", "these things just happen, it could happen to anyone".

The words "collision" and "crash" seem fittingly more robust.

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Isnt it the case that most low wage earners, myself included, cost more to the tax payer than they pay in?

So many people are subsidised by the state. The state is taking over what was once the role of the nuclear family. Now that families are broken and live much further apart, the state must take on the role of the family.


The question is does the state cause families to break up by giving single parents more tax breaks than married couples? The state also helps the spread of our reliance on vehicles. The scrapage scheme in 2009 gave people £2,000 to buy a new car.


Single parents don't get any extra tax breaks.


It is the case that the low paid aren't net contributors, but that's probably always been the case, not something that is new.

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We all know the politicians lie, we all know the financial institutions have not changed their practices, and are now even more irresponsible than ever, we all know the finance industry cheats, lies, fixes, insider trades, sell fraudulent products, and are above the law. Yes there are token fines, but as they generally represent a few days profits, its easier to break the law, pay the fine, as its profitable.


We all know the government is suppose to be the arbiter between the people's interests and that of business, and side with where the money is, and not the taxpayer.


We all know that the Nat West fiasco where accounts were frozen, due to a computer failure is Bol***ks as they have the dosh to fly in experts around the globe, and get it fixed in hours. We know it was a dry run for if/when the banks fail again, as they are in deeper doo-doos than before.


We all know that the acquisition of peoples money in Cyprus is now a blueprint for all central banks, to rob ordinary hard working people.


We all know that when the banks go bust, as interest rates rise exposing their funding shortfall, all access to our money will be frozen indefinitely.


We all know that all our savings will be taken from us, and given to the banks because of Cyprus, they can..


We all know it will happen its just when, but we know its within the next 10 or so years.


We all know we do not want to know, and will be left with nothing, as the government amends and creates laws to take everything we have worked for all our lives.


We all know the police are partly militarised, and have a reserve of the TA to police the land when the emergency is created. There will be no computer or telephone services as all suspended in the name of National Security, don't we!


We all know we do not give a dam about tomorrow, its today that counts, and everything stated so far under this premise is just a load of boll***s

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