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DWP cant or wont help

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I took a letter from firm that offered me job saying if they put me throw the course i will have fill time job


If you wont say what the course is, then how much are you talking about in terms of cost and time to take?


The DWP will send some people on certain types of courses for which they provide funding, but these are few and far between. Sheffield College run a lot of those into employment course. They cannot fund anything beyond what they are allowed to. They have no flexibility. If you want training then you will often have to pay for it yourself.


As said above the career development loans dont ask to be repaid until the course finishes, at which time you would have the qualification and job to pay for it? Why not do that?

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The DWP and IDS are pathetic bullies, read the following and see how they are treating this young man who is blind, has autism and the mental age of a 5 year old. The father took his son to the Job Centre and the advisor burst into tears, rang head office and they said she wasn't medically qualified to make an assessment. Cameron keeps saying his Government care, IDS refused to see the father and son because they are not his constituents, perhaps he thinks if he closes his eyes they will go away.The Government are just bullies and it is time the people said enough is enough.


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Why do dwp offer you help back to WORK ?? when you a ask for a course cus because youve been offered a job if you do this course they say they cant fund it its a joke


You need to be brown or non white, Being very thick also helps as does having a criminal record. The worse the crime the record is for the better, youll get so much help thrown at you you wont know what to do with it.

Perhaps you could even get some flying lessons?

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