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Drunk Drivers should get life bans

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Just wondered what your thoughts were, and if you had any exceptions you could think of.
My thoughts are that a lifeban for a first conviction of drink driving is idiotic.


As for an exception, I'll tell you about my nephew, who got done for 10% over the limit last year.


He was called for a pickup to the hospital by his best mate, who had just got severely beaten up.


Why his mate, or passers-buy, did not call SYP &/or an ambulance instead, I don't know.


Why my nephew did not suggest it himself, I don't know.


Put it down to highly-emotional/highly-strung up late teens not yet equipped by life to consider all the ins and outs of making decisions.


Fact of the matter is, he was alone at home (could not ask his Mum or step dad to drive him), none of their other mates had a car/license/were nearby, so he jumped in his car and went to his best mate's rescue.


And was caught.


And took it on the chin, used his savings to pay the fine, and has served his ban (will be up in a few weeks) without touching a steering wheel. He's also had to abandon his Police Force career prospects.


Now, the above I would not classify as an exception as such, because the best mate was not in mortal danger...but I would have thought that drink-driving for the sole purpose of rendering assistance to a person in mortal danger, might establish a basis for exception.

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L00b, your nephew was a first rate plonker for going to pick his mate up. But I bet he's learnt his lesson. A lifetime ban would be no incentive at all for him to move on, and would probably damage his future prospects job-wise. I'd say the punishment fitted his crime and has probably done its job in teaching him a valuable lesson.

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What about those who drive the following morning after a night out?


I don't drink and drive on the same night, but I will drive the car the following morning after a few pints the night before.


There's always some alcohol left over in your bloodstream, even if you don't feel like you've had a drink. How is someone to know the next day when they're back under the limit?


It would be a bit harsh banning someone for life who is ever so slightly over the limit the following morning.


Obviously those who drive having just consumed 10 pints of lager get what they deserve, but you've got to take into account circumstances when dishing out punishments.....You can't have a flat rate punishment regardless of circumstances.





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Anyone who is up to double the limit,should get an automatic 4 year ban.If they are caught driving while banned, the Vehicle they are Driving should be confiscated & crushed,no excuses.


What if they had borrowed someone else's car?




---------- Post added 04-11-2013 at 14:38 ----------


What about those who drive the following morning after a night out?


I don't drink and drive on the same night, but I will drive the car the following morning after a few pints the night before.


There's always some alcohol left over in your bloodstream, even if you don't feel like you've had a drink. How is someone to know the next day when they're back under the limit?


It would be a bit harsh banning someone for life who is ever so slightly over the limit the following morning.


Obviously those who drive having just consumed 10 pints of lager get what they deserve, but you've got to take into account circumstances when dishing out punishments.....You can't have a flat rate punishment regardless of circumstances.






You can buy alcohol level testing kits to use in the comfort of your own home.





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They take drunk drivers to court, ban them for a few years n fine them (sometimes prison) but how many do it again, then go to court again, and same punishments?

Surely to hold the opinion you do, you must know the answer to this question...


---------- Post added 04-11-2013 at 14:41 ----------


why on earth we cant just have a total no drink driving policy i dont no


Alcohol can be present in the body through natural metabolic processes without drinking, so there would still need to be some small leeway...


---------- Post added 04-11-2013 at 14:42 ----------


Ummm...Yes banning drunk drivers forever is nonsense....Don't get me wrong, I'm not for one second defending drink driving...Not in any way shape or form. But forever?....Forever is a VERY long time....


Someone they kill whilst drunk and driving is dead for a VERY long time as well...


---------- Post added 04-11-2013 at 14:43 ----------


Ok, an example, while in fire service in Huddersfield, we were called out to an accident, where a drunk driver hit another car, killing a woman and a child, he was sent to prison for 8 years (out in 4) and banned from driving for 4 years. Once his ban was up, within weeks was caught again drink driving, and banned for another 4 years. He could have killed someone else.


If he had recieved a lifetime ban, perhaps the second conviction would have been avoided, and saved another possible life loss


and this is not a one-off, you read so many times of things like this happening.


Could it? Or would he have simply driven without a license?


If someone is prepared to break the law on drink driving, what makes you think they won't break the law on driving without a license?

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And then they go and buy another for £250.....


They will soon get fed up of buying Cars.


---------- Post added 04-11-2013 at 16:22 ----------


Barleycorn wrote-What if they had borrowed someone else's car?


The Driver would have to buy them another Car.

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Punishment for breaking the law and raw emotion should never ever meet. No drink drivers should not face a lifetime ban for first offences, maybe serial offenders should, but like someone has already stated if they drink drive what's going to stop them from driving with no licence / insurance etc.

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