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UK [to be] 'fastest-growing Western economy'


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Are you aware of how petulant your reply appears? Just thought I'd ask....


You've not asked me any question, btw.


That cleared, I am paying more tax and NI than I was last year, because:

(i) I've had a pay rise, and

(ii) I've lost the child benefit component/rebate.


Why are you paying more tax and NI? It's not a difficult admission to make :rolleyes:


How many times do people have to be told? I am not bothered what other people think of me, who are they anyway? I don't expect them to change their opinions because, at the end of the day, they'll probably say one thing and mean the other anyway. Perhaps my arguments sound petulant to you because people gang up on me, I expect nothing less from bullies and I don't care much for the opinion of non-political posters have of me either. Now are you and your chumps going to answer my questions?

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How many times do people have to be told? I am not bothered what other people think of me, who are they anyway? I don't expect them to change their opinions because, at the end of the day, they'll probably say one thing and mean the other anyway. Perhaps my arguments sound petulant to you because people gang up on me, I expect nothing less from bullies and I don't care much for the opinion of non-political posters have of me either. Now are you and your chumps going to answer my questions?


You are not being bullied or ganged up on. People are entitled to know the truth and when your version of the facts contradicts that of everyone else, they are within their rights to question your information. You have been given an method to resolve the dispute but you refuse and this is causing people to come to the conclusion that you are, at best, being constructive with the truth or at worst lying to further your political argument.

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Perhaps my arguments sound petulant to you because people gang up on me, I expect nothing less from bullies and I don't care much for the opinion of non-political posters have of me either.
Your arguments do not 'sound petulant'.


Your post did, starting as it did with "say what you want" (basically, the online equivalent of sticking fingers in your ears and chanting la-la-la-la-la-I-can't-hear-you).


As regards any bullying, sorry you feel that way.


My posts are certainly not meant to bully you, I only ask for factual clarification. I'd like to think I've asked nicely, without aggravation.


Why you keep taking offense at them I don't know. Looks like a bit of a persecution complex, tbh.

Now are you and your chumps going to answer my questions?
You've still not asked me any question :huh:


And yet I've volunteered personal information for context. So...?

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How many times do people have to be told? I am not bothered what other people think of me, who are they anyway? I don't expect them to change their opinions because, at the end of the day, they'll probably say one thing and mean the other anyway. Perhaps my arguments sound petulant to you because people gang up on me, I expect nothing less from bullies and I don't care much for the opinion of non-political posters have of me either. Now are you and your chumps going to answer my questions?


Bullies? Chumps? For merely asking you to clarify a couple of points and drawing attention to an innaccuracy?


You owe people an apology I think.

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Bullies? Chumps? For merely asking you to clarify a couple of points and drawing attention to an innaccuracy?


You owe people an apology I think.


Ah so you saw I was online and you thought you'd try a bit of a grind. Now answer my questions.

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Bullies? Chumps? For merely asking you to clarify a couple of points and drawing attention to an innaccuracy?


You owe people an apology I think.


With all due respect it does look like bullying to me. Several posters with views practically opposite to Mecky's have seized on one point to divert the course of the thread.


You have to trust what Mecky says. The only way he/she can prove their point is to reveal their earnings and tax affairs to you. In fact you are asking very specific questions about this. Would you be happy if a group of posters were doing that to you.

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With all due respect it does look like bullying to me. Several posters with views practically opposite to Mecky's have seized on one point to divert the course of the thread.


You have to trust what Mecky says. The only way he/she can prove their point is to reveal their earnings and tax affairs to you. In fact you are asking very specific questions about this. Would you be happy if a group of posters were doing that to you.


But it does question the veracity of Mecky's statement that because of current government policy he's paying more tax... he's the one who brought his personal tax affairs into the conversation after all...I think if Mecky gave the reason for his tax increase it would weaken the his case for blaming the government and that would be against his usual diatribes on here...

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But it does question the veracity of Mecky's statement that because of current government policy he's paying more tax...


As I said the only way you can know this is if he/she reveals their earnings and tax affairs to you.


Do you see how unreasonable it is for multiple posters to be repeatedly asking for this personal information to be revealed.


I must admit I've never seen anything quite like this on the forum before.

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Ah so you saw I was online and you thought you'd try a bit of a grind. Now answer my questions.


Not in the slightest. If you look back at my posting history you will find I'm often on at that time whilst eating my toast and marmalade.. :roll:


Now if you could elaborate on why you are paying more tax so we can clear up that confusion then I think we can move on.

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