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UK [to be] 'fastest-growing Western economy'


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More profits lead to more taxes which mean your welfare dependent mates can be kept in the manner they have become accustomed to.
surely you mean more profits means less tax being paid by companies like vodaphone/amazon etc yes your right its a bit sad really:roll:
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It's a fair enough comment (bickering aside). Would you have accepted it had it been a minus figure? Would you have accepted it had it come from a different body?


I think the following:


1. Any growth that is seen to be driven by consumer confidence at this time is most likely to be a result of expectations of house price inflation.


2. We have seen how dangerous an overheating housing market can be.


3. The same people that criticised Gordon Brown's mistakes are now lauding George Osborne for repeating the same mistakes.


4. The economic environment is now so loaded in favour of big business that we cannot with any certainty rely on significantly increased tax revenue from big businesses. In fact the constraints around avoidance have been further relaxed under Osborne.


5. New jobs will most likely go to the impending influx of economic migrants.


6. The economic migrants will work for low wages, pay little in the way of taxes and compete British citizens out of jobs, driving wage levels down and benefits spending up.


So no, I don't think it was a fair comment. And yes if it meant that house prices could be prevented from entering a bubble again then a lower projected growth would have been acceptable.

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One does not require the chirpings of the media chorus, singing along to the propaganda machine, to notice what is happening.


For instance out prosperity is somewhat in question as David Cameron’s talk of “austerity”, appears to be <REMOVED> ...............WHY???..........because he’s going to add an estimated £700 billion to the national debt in just five years. That’s more than Tony Blair and Gordon Brown added to the national debt in eleven years. It’s more than every British government of the past 100 years put together.


One does not have to talk down the economy when then with little brains are dragging it down does one?

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Well fingers crossed but it is just a prediction so far.


...suggests economic growth of 1.3% in the fourth quarter of 2013


....likely to be leading those countries by the end of next year


The CBI predicts growth this year of 1.4%


It then expects a growth rate of 2.4%


If these predictions prove to be accurate, then we can celebrate.

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Why are you calling me a traveller piggers? I'm curious to know what you mean.


Explain or apologise for what appears to be abuse and when you've dropped the abuse we can start the discussion again.


He's just underlining what kind of person we all know he is.


Interestingly, Spain is now reported to be out of recession so the position in which the UK seems to be in is unlikely to be down to the actions of this government, but is just an up-turn in European markets. Of course, I said we'd see a lot of these kinds of stories in the run-in to the 2015. Thankfully, having read other media and Internet forums, the UK public are a little cautious of these stories.

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I think the following:


1. Any growth that is seen to be driven by consumer confidence at this time is most likely to be a result of expectations of house price inflation.


2. We have seen how dangerous an overheating housing market can be.


3. The same people that criticised Gordon Brown's mistakes are now lauding George Osborne for repeating the same mistakes.


4. The economic environment is now so loaded in favour of big business that we cannot with any certainty rely on significantly increased tax revenue from big businesses. In fact the constraints around avoidance have been further relaxed under Osborne.


5. New jobs will most likely go to the impending influx of economic migrants.


6. The economic migrants will work for low wages, pay little in the way of taxes and compete British citizens out of jobs, driving wage levels down and benefits spending up.


So no, I don't think it was a fair comment. And yes if it meant that house prices could be prevented from entering a bubble again then a lower projected growth would have been acceptable.


1. Is it?

2. Agreed.

3. Reinflating the housing bubble is a biblically stupid thing to do, it shouldn't be happening regardless of how osbourn dresses it up.

4. Is it big business that's driving all of this? What's the small business role? I read a favourable report somewhere (can't remember where - sorry) showing a bit of a spike in small businesses doing well. Big businesses need to pay tax but that's a different and unrelated argument.

5. That's a sweeping statement if ever I saw one. What you basing that on?

6. Ditto. Did you get that out of a ukip membership booklet?

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1. Is it?

2. Agreed.

3. Reinflating the housing bubble is a biblically stupid thing to do, it shouldn't be happening regardless of how osbourn dresses it up.

4. Is it big business that's driving all of this? What's the small business role? I read a favourable report somewhere (can't remember where - sorry) showing a bit of a spike in small businesses doing well. Big businesses need to pay tax but that's a different and unrelated argument.

5. That's a sweeping statement if ever I saw one. What you basing that on?

6. Ditto. Did you get that out of a ukip membership booklet?


4. The dice are loaded in favour of big businesses.


5 + 6. Related to 4. Businesses want cheap workers. Based on the experience of the past few years the majority of jobs created went to immigrants. If we have an economic upturn coinciding with an upturn in numbers of available migrants then it seems obvious what is going to happen.


I don't support UKIP

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4. The dice are loaded in favour of big businesses.


5 + 6. Related to 4. Businesses want cheap workers. Based on the experience of the past few years the majority of jobs created went to immigrants. If we have an economic upturn coinciding with an upturn in numbers of available migrants then it seems obvious what is going to happen.


I don't support UKIP


We didn't have the sort of unemployment/reduction in benefits we have now when the poles arrived en masse. The number of unemployed was mainly, I suggest made up of those who never had a job and those who were temporarily in between jobs. The economic landscape is much different so it's a bit of leap to suggest all the jobs this time are going to foreigners.

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We didn't have the sort of unemployment/reduction in benefits we have now when the poles arrived en masse. The number of unemployed was mainly, I suggest made up of those who never had a job and those who were temporarily in between jobs. The economic landscape is much different so it's a bit of leap to suggest all the jobs this time are going to foreigners.


Nope, but we were in the middle of a credit-fuelled economic boom when Poles were allowed in en masse. Now we stand on the cusp of another credit-fuelled economic boom just as the tap gets opened a bit more to let migrants in from even more countries.


History is repeating itself. There is no big leap involved in understanding that.

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