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UK [to be] 'fastest-growing Western economy'


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My question was, why would anyone want to be a politician, even you in your exalted moral position, could you stand the intrusion into your personal life? would your family like to constantly doorstepped? What about your phone being hacked.


The great statesmen of history were not moral paragons.


To answer your question, no I couldnt be a politician but if I were any immoral temptations on my part (of which they're are plenty) would be subverted by the fear of discovery.

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To answer your question, no I couldnt be a politician but if I were any immoral temptations on my part (of which they're are plenty) would be subverted by the fear of discovery.


The only way you could achieve the level of purity your require is never to have strayed, ever, in your life. So the aspirant politician from the age of puberty would need to be sexually abstinent, financially prudent and socially acceptable.


Cameron is frequently lampooned about his membership of the Bullingdon Club. Portillo was considered suspect because of a possible gay dalliance in his teens, Milliband has had to defend his father.


The best people, most of them with skeletons great and small in the cupboard, need politics like a hole in the head.


We have the politicians we deserve as we buy the papers and listen to the drivel spouted by the largely foreign owned media.

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Weren't many dissenting voices from the Tories were there? It was only the LibDems that repeatedly warned about what was going wrong.


No point in going old friend, the Labour party were in power. Had they followed the policies and attitude of Major and Ken Clarke this debacle would not have happened. To quote a Tory phrase "you have to fix the roof while the sun is shining".


Labour did not and we are still mopping up.

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No point in going old friend, the Labour party were in power. Had they followed the policies and attitude of Major and Ken Clarke this debacle would not have happened. To quote a Tory phrase "you have to fix the roof while the sun is shining".


Labour did not and we are still mopping up.


There was every point in the Tories opposing what was happening. They didn't.


But now The Tories are in power what have they really changed? We have the abject embarrassment of our elected representatives taking the EU to court to protect bankers bonuses.

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There was every point in the Tories opposing what was happening. They didn't.


But now The Tories are in power what have they really changed? We have the abject embarrassment of our elected representatives taking the EU to court to protect bankers bonuses.


My dear old chum, you can twist and turn this as much as you like. The whistle has blown, the red card has been shown, appropriately, as it was Labour who done it. They had the info, they had the power, they failed dismally.

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My dear old chum, you can twist and turn this as much as you like. The whistle has blown, the red card has been shown, appropriately, as it was Labour who done it. They had the info, they had the power, they failed dismally.


And the Tories went along with it. Because they agreed with it. Subsequent lack of action to reform the system shows they have no appetite to change things, but they do have a powerful urge to protect the system.


What do you think the Tories would have done different?

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Originally Posted by Peer Gynt View Post

UK [to be] 'fastest-growing Western economy'


After India?


Yes the fast growing western country after that other western country, india.


<<face palm>>

it seems that all the British workers are moving to India, in the last two days I've spoken to three of them, Maurice, Janice and Derek.

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And the Tories went along with it. Because they agreed with it. Subsequent lack of action to reform the system shows they have no appetite to change things, but they do have a powerful urge to protect the system.


What do you think the Tories would have done different?


I said a few years ago they are just waiting for it to all blow over before resuming what they were doing. There have been a few soundbites from the government to persuade public opinion they are doing something but have we seen any real action? I haven't, I can't see the government upsetting their bankrollers and voters.

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