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History of Laycocks

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  • 2 weeks later...
My husband knew Joe Winter & his mate Roy Green ( Tool room). apparently they used to go round the clubs singing. He knows most of the other names posted plus loads more, what you would expect after 31 years.

My husband is Dennis Travis as mad a Sheffield United fan as I am.


Cynthia, Ontario, Canada.


Surely this can't be the same Dennis Travis who was a Setter on the Capstan Section! The number of sherrockings (just being polite) he gave me for breaking one of the tools whilst machining - you would have thought he bought the bloody tools out of his own pocket! If I recall the foreman at the time was a guy by the name of Wainwright who had a face like a bloodhound - and that was when he was happy!

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Surely this can't be the same Dennis Travis who was a Setter on the Capstan Section! The number of sherrockings (just being polite) he gave me for breaking one of the tools whilst machining - you would have thought he bought the bloody tools out of his own pocket! If I recall the foreman at the time was a guy by the name of Wainwright who had a face like a bloodhound - and that was when he was happy!


It certainly is !!!. I have just read your email to him and he asked me who you are ???. He also said, the foreman was Reg Warrington

is he the one that you are thinking of ?.

Dennis is still going strong, he has just had his check up after a triple bi-pass two years ago and he passed all the tests with flying colours.

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Reg b****y Warrington how could I forget that name or the person for that matter. Dennis won't remember me by name although it's Harry actually but he spent so much time cussing me that my proper name never entered his head! He may remember me as the guy who was always looking for a Pass Out on Friday afternoons as I was courting a girl from Coventry at the time (and later married) and that's the reason that Reg Warrington was so important to me! Incidentally it became custom and practice on my gaining a Pass Out for everyone to start hammering on lockers and tool boxes and creating the kind of noise that was intended to draw attention to me - so tell Dennis that it worked and also remind him that he was just as guilty as the rest! Would you be kind enough to offer him my best wishes for his good health and tell him that he's part of some very happy memories from that time and he must have meant something as he's still part of a memory that's over fifty years old now! I'll raise a glass to him tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After finishing my national service I got a job at Laycocks in the sheet metal dept. While we were inolved with production projects, most of them to do with the auto industry we also did maintenance work around the factory. I remember one forman's first name of Cyril Cussack?? Managers name Kitcheman who I believe eventually moved to the States. I remember the main company car was a big chrysler imperial. The overdrive product that they were involved with I think they called it the 'laycock de normanville overdrive' They also manufactured railway components and one of those was the railway car connecting apparatus, which I believe was exported to the north american market. Does anybody remember Ken Randal, Ted Hall (I believe he has already been mentioned), Mick Patterson (he was a jazz pianist), and I know has since passed away), Keith??, Les Whitehead.

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Hello Kieth, I wonder if you remember my Father , Bert Crookes ., pictured here on the right with one of his workmates I think (I don't know his name ). He worked in the cutter grinders until 1977.


The name of the other guy in the photo (on the left) is Jack Simpson, and at the time I worked at Laycocks there was Jack Simpson, George, Stan Elis, Charlie Brookfield and Harrold, I always will remember them all, but it is Stan that I will remember most, as he died 3 days after retirement, they all worked in the cutter grinders around late 70s early 80s


I have lots of photographs of Laycocks and some old Laycocks magazine's on a disc somewhere, if anyone wants me to email them on, then please contact me, and when I get time I will pass them on, there may have to be a few emails though.

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The name of the other guy in the photo (on the left) is Jack Simpson, and at the time I worked at Laycocks there was Jack Simpson, George, Stan Elis, Charlie Brookfield and Harrold, I always will remember them all, but it is Stan that I will remember most, as he died 3 days after retirement, they all worked in the cutter grinders around late 70s early 80s


I have lots of photographs of Laycocks and some old Laycocks magazine's on a disc somewhere, if anyone wants me to email them on, then please contact me, and when I get time I will pass them on, there may have to be a few emails though.



Thanks for your reply kevin63 , I was beginning to think there wouldn't be any clues about the other guy in the photo with my Dad . Now I can put a name on the photo album ,


kind regards


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  • 2 weeks later...

I worked at Laycocks in the Purchasing Department from 1974-1977. And my grandad Leslie Dean and my uncle Terry Dean both worked at Laycocks in the late 1960s and early 1970s. GKN had a society for retired employee and every year they received a food parcel at Christmas, and a volunteer would call approx twice a year to see if everything was Ok. Even when my Gran moved to London in 1999 to live with us, they still came to see if she needed anything.

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