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History of Laycocks

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The first house my parents got in 1946 was a brand new prefab on the Arbourthorne and we lived there till 1952..

One day talking to John Styring he told me he'd lived in a prefab on the same road when he was a kid, so I asked him what number, we couldn't believe it at first, It was the same one...

Small world in it...

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Hello there. My dad, Fred Brookes, worked at Laycocks. I lost him in February after a long battle with Parkinsons Disease. I was googling his name like you do and found this forum. It brought back many happy memories, especially the Christmas parties I used to attend with my menace of a little sister :D

Anyone remember my dad?

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My Dad also worked for Laycocks and is still a member of the Club, he also still plays bowls for them. His name is Ken Morgan. I was only young when he worked there so it would have been from the 60s and I think he eventually left in the 80s.

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hiya mrs kenno

i am so sorry to hear of the passing of your dad i worked with him from 1964 until i had to finish work through ill health in 1988, he was always a very,very,nice work mate. you would never hear a bad word said from him, or to him, there was when at work i never heard him say a wrong word to anyone he was the same thoroughly good bloke you could wish to meet, once again i'm so sorry. bill white.

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Was his name Raymond ? I can't remember his surname, but the story rings a bell.


You could tell which night shift you were working because he wore the same T shirt all four nights, right way on Monday, back to front on Tuesday, inside out with the label at the back Wednesday, and inside out with the label at the front on Thursday. :gag:


the only raymond i recall was ray gillott ,he was a bit of a boaster, he once told us in his younger days having been entered for the A.B.A boxing championships fought something like five bouts in two days we all laughed at this statement but the laugh was on us the next night when he brought the proof in in his official record signed after every bout it gave his bouts as won 4 and lost 1 he was ko in 5th bout and could not box for 2 months

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Willybite, thank you for taking the time to say those things about my Dad. He suffered greatly and everyone who knew him said he didn't deserve it. I'm glad his suffering is over, but I don't half miss him

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