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History of Laycocks

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I knew a man with a wooden leg called Jack.

I've no idea what he called his other leg though......:huh:


Speaking of artificial legs, doe's anybody remember Eric Bocking, a really nice guy....

Edited by grinder
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I'm talking the 80s at Archer road, I think Eric was a Skilled turner ?...


And I'm pretty sure he lived on or near Bocking Lane funnily enough ....


My Grandad was there 1940's onwards his full name was Jack Poor

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Sad to report the passing of Malcolm Bramley on 23rd July 2010. Malcolm worked in the Data Processing department as a systems analyst from the late 60's/early 70's right through to the demise of the company in 1992. Those who knew Malcolm will, I'm certain, have fond memories. Malcolm was also a talented jazz musician and played the clarinet and saxophone for several local bands including New Stompers and Yesterdays Men.

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I remember George Goode ! he gave me a job at Laycocks ..and i started at little london road and the first day i started they were on strike ..so i was given a sweeping brush .. .I had never worked in a factory before and wasnt sure what to expect ..and i went to see the foreman ..cant remember his name ..white coat etc hugh ! he said i dont know where we gunna put ya ...he just pointed to some machines and said learn that job theer! It was making pump bodies for the overdrive and involved five machines . I remember Brian being one of the setters and the other was rip -van Benson (always asleep on nights) and there was a guy called Harry Overtime for obvious reasons it was piece work and he was milking it he had charge hand at his beck and call .we worked night and days i dont remember many names but am sure some have been mentioned . I worked at Archer road for short time when George Goode was taken ill and course passed away.I didnt like Archer road the setters where a law unto themselves but the bacon sandwiches in the morning were great ..ended up back at Little London and took redudnancy.

Edited by suprisestorm
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