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History of Laycocks

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  • 4 weeks later...
Is there still a bus that goes past there ?


hiya grinder just seen where horace theaker has passed on he was an inspector in the stores at the bottom of the drive at archer rd, he would have chats with me when he found out i had m/s as he had, he was 83 i think.

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Just before I went into the CG, Harry Fields worked till he was 70 had his presentation on the Friday and died on the Sunday...


hiya grinder have just read the above letter i read the C.G as being the coldstream guards but after reading it again i came up with cutter grinders

i'm a daft bat.

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Hi willybite.

Coldstream guards !!!!

The wife says I'm as much use as a Chocolate fire guard but that's about as near as I ever got...

When ever people mention names and incident from back when I some times think I must have slept through most of my time at Laycocks.

Mind you on nights I probably did,but thinking back I remember a Fred Theaker who became a setter on the clutch, but I can't put a face to Horace.

Having said that over my time there there were so many faces, and such a big turn over of personal, plus the fact that in most cases you only knew people by there first name, and some of those where nick names.

I had every intention of going down to Laycock sports club the other night but fell asleep in the chair, must have thought I was on nights again.....:D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi willybite.

Coldstream guards !!!!

The wife says I'm as much use as a Chocolate fire guard but that's about as near as I ever got...

When ever people mention names and incident from back when I some times think I must have slept through most of my time at Laycocks.

Mind you on nights I probably did,but thinking back I remember a Fred Theaker who became a setter on the clutch, but I can't put a face to Horace.

Having said that over my time there there were so many faces, and such a big turn over of personal, plus the fact that in most cases you only knew people by there first name, and some of those where nick names.

I had every intention of going down to Laycock sports club the other night but fell asleep in the chair, must have thought I was on nights again.....:D


hiya grinder just read your letter above horace was freds brother and worked in the inspection room at the top side of the stores where they would check incoming stores, horace had a stiff walk in one of his legs due to his illness, but it didn't stop him riding his bike to and from work.


just been reading earlier posts about braithwaite the bookie of when he picks up the bets, anyhow he was waiting in the security guards office at the top of the drive one day when somebody asked him who he was he said i'm the bookie who are you and it was walt elliott or one of the other directors anyway that was the end of betting on shop floor,


just thinking it wasn't braithwaite it was ron grattage the bookie ,ray gillott's dad albert used to take the bets.

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I remember a guy in the early 50's that worked in the sheet metal shop (also the maintenance shop) which was next to the carpenters shop, he was a welder, have forgotten his name, he rode a bike to work and was involved in a traffic accident one morning cycling to work. - I believe he succumbed to his injuries never leaving the hospital alive, what was unique about this fellow he only worked about half the year (for many years) the rest of the time he ran a 'guess your weight' pitch at Skegness, he was quite a character and gave us all the patter he used to tell the customers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My late husband did his apprenticeship and worked there from leaving school to 1971 when we emigrated to New Zealand. Remember going to some dances and on a illuminations outing to Blackpool. He was at the Archer Road area/branch.


When we left he was working in the forging department and his immediate boss was not that much older then him but cannot remember his name. I remember he told me he once got sent home because he was wearing a paisley tie!

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