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March in London tomorrow?

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It wil be the same old suspects protesting................. students, Uni Lecturers, Lefties , Greenies and a few old crusties from the Socialist workers party.


Best thing you did was go to Barnsley............go and talk rubbish there. Anna is someone who wants to make a difference, she actually cares about people and humanity.

[i'm not going to spend all night explaining what humanity means, you wouldn't understand] :)

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They are professional protesters , unemployed with too much time on their hands ,and with nothing better to do all day than sit and read outdated commie claptrap in the Socialist Worker Rag.


Same people from the Occupy movement.


Once again offering no solutions just protests stating the obvious.


Speaking of Occupy, the sheffield branch packed in about 6 months ago it would seem.

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Best thing you did was go to Barnsley............go and talk rubbish there. Anna is someone who wants to make a difference, she actually cares about people and humanity.

[i'm not going to spend all night explaining what humanity means, you wouldn't understand] :)

What ideas does Anna have to make things better?

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Hmm, the problem with Anonymous is that it has probably 100 members across the world who could inflict any kind of real damage.


The rest are people who think that because they use Tor or search the deep web that they're technological masterminds.


If they were that powerful they would protest by hacking government or police systems and they don't, not in the UK anyway.


And a DDOS attack or changing a logo on a website for a few minutes is...pointless, so doesn't count.

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