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March in London tomorrow?

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So are many of the people who are going. They've taken a day off work, either out of their holidays or unpaid leave.


Most working people are quite happy with the system the way it is. They may not like politicans or bankers, but they tolerate them as a necessary evil.


The only people angry about the system are the lazy, the workshy and the benefit scroungers who are finally realising their something for nothing lifestyle is coming to an end.

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Most working people are quite happy with the system the way it is. They may not like politicans or bankers, but they tolerate them as a necessary evil.

The only people angry about the system are the lazy, the workshy and the benefit scroungers who are finally realising their something for nothing lifestyle is coming to an end.


GordonBennet!! It's got to be another one of your wind up posts in which case I'll give it 4/10.


PS: Give my regards to Randy.

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Most working people are quite happy with the system the way it is. They may not like politicans or bankers, but they tolerate them as a necessary evil.


The only people angry about the system are the lazy, the workshy and the benefit scroungers who are finally realising their something for nothing lifestyle is coming to an end.


excellent post and sums up how most feel:roll:i am sure the march tomorrow will consist of all the handwringers, leftie union types, teachers with scruffy appearances, the rent a mob from socialist worker, UAF and the tree hugger co-operatives:roll: whilst the rest of us work and pay our way:roll:

oh i nearly forgot the "occupy" idiots

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excellent post and sums up how most feel:roll:i am sure the march tomorrow will consist of all the handwringers, leftie union types, teachers with scruffy appearances, the rent a mob from socialist worker, UAF and the tree hugger co-operatives:roll: whilst the rest of us work and pay our way:roll:

oh i nearly forgot the "occupy" idiots


Good old Adam, full of the milk of human kindness.

All for himself and sod everybody else. All protestors are NOT scruffy scroungers.

Try Facebook and follow 38 Degrees............a damn good lobbying group who achieve REAL results. Use the net properly, poor old Cameron hates reading the bad press about himself, he has admitted it onTV. Perhaps if he displayed a little bit more humanity he would earn some respect. :)

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