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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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We have democracy in this country and if immigration is allowed to continue then more and more people will be turning to the UKIP, no matter how much mud is slung their way by the mainstream parties and the media. You can't tell people that immigration is good for them and expect them to believe statistics over their own experiences.

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Wrong again BF, people see it for themselves, out there in the world we live in. The institutions and the politicians don't have the balls to say what much of the general populace think, or should I say are out of touch with much of what the general populace think.


My comment was a little tongue in cheek Michael, however the fact remains there are many politicians who speak out against immigration and you could hardly accuse the tabloids of being sympathetic.


Incidentally why do some posters make statements alluding to what the 'general populace' or the 'average man in the street' is thinking? There is no such thing, we're all motivated by different things and a myriad of different experiences. Even the die hard anti immigrationists often refer fondly to their genial neighbour with the swarthy skin and unprounounceable name..they're always 'alright'.

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That can't be me, he's smiling. I do own a similar hat though ;).


EDIT speaking of swarthy foreigners, early 80s animated show the mysterious cities of gold is making a return to our screen on one of kids channels and its the original not a remake. Not the most appropriate thread to let it be known but people (of a certain age) need to know.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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The positive propaganda has been with us for years, it has been responsible for far more lies and spin than the 'far right' could possibly dream of.


Exactly,too much good news for the gullible and the brainwashed to take..........that's why I printed the unsubstantiated lies of the right wing press about 630,000 benefit tourists they claimed,and then had to admit they had no proof to back up their claims........if there's not enough negative propaganda......make it up.........plus the naked racism on Saturday of the Daily Express.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 04:08 ----------


Head? Sand? Coffee? Smell?


Nothing in reply to refute anything then........just more baseless claims...or something.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 04:14 ----------


We have democracy in this country and if immigration is allowed to continue then more and more people will be turning to the UKIP, no matter how much mud is slung their way by the mainstream parties and the media. You can't tell people that immigration is good for them and expect them to believe statistics over their own experiences.


Of course some people will turn to UKIP,there has to be a mouthpiece for xenophobes,it's only natural.I sincerely hope that UKIP are elected to run the country at some stage,or at least hold the balance of power,the laughs these clowns would give me with the stuff they will come out with would last for the rest of my lifetime.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 04:42 ----------



The Negative propaganda,stereotyping and stigmatising of the UK Tabloids.




This is of course familiar ground for the tabloids. East European migration to the UK might be a recent phenomenon, but it is only a variation on a much older migration theme, one that has been a favourite whipping post of the tabloids. The tabloids have thus been able to draw on various plotlines from previous migrations to frame their coverage of the current migration. Recycled references to ‘floods’, ‘invasions’, and ‘hordes’ act as linchpins to past migrations: they evoke racialised understandings of migration by juxtaposing past migrations against their current versions. They also remind the British public that the more things change, the more they stay the same

Now as before, the tabloids present immigration as a problem. They oftent don’t stop at criticising immigration policy, it impugns the integrity of the migrants themselves. Repeated associations of East European migrants with crime, benefit shopping, and a host of other unsavoury activities, particularly when those activities are sensational, portrays these migrants not as upstanding workers trying to eke out a living but as dangerous social parasites preying on their well-meaning hosts. Racialisation occurs when those migrants are collectively disparaged with reference to a combination of cultural, social, and/or biological traits. Here again we don’t find the crude racism of epithets, slurs, and insults; rather, racialisation gets packaged as innuendo and inference.

The sort of racialisation found in the tabloids does not rely on somatic differences but instead invokes and valorises various cultural and social attributes of the migrants. This is a kind of cultural racism: criminal tendencies, uncivilised behaviour, and moral deficiencies are indiscriminately imputed to the migrants. Though even though cultural racism doesn’t make explicit reference to somatic differences it can still contribute to its reproduction. Ideas like ‘the west’, Europe and modernity that are conveyed through these associations all carry unambiguous colour connotations. Those to whom membership is bestowed in these categories are lightened and those to whom membership is denied are darkened.

Edited by chalga
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Where would you be without Google? The trouble is thanks to the internet it's possible to find any information to back up a point of view, no matter how bizarre that point of view is.


Anyway, do you think that the people in question chose to work or do they work out of necessity? Also it seems that you believe that all sports are equal, and that all circumstances are the same, something that is just not true; for example how could a grand tour cyclist hold down a job?


I didn't need Google to know that I was right, but its useful to show people like you, how wrong you are, or are you claiming the facts I posted are incorrect.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 07:02 ----------


The far right politicians,media and activists have tried to peddle the myths


No, they are just peddling what many people have known for years, the myth is that Immigration as been positive for the UK.

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The far right politicians,media and activists have tried to peddle the myths about immigration any and every which way they can to throw people off the scent of their own agendas and failings,the negative propaganda,stereotyping,stigmatising,hearsay,rumour, lies,........all reminiscent of 1930.ies Germany.........it aint working,the non gullible people who can see and think for themselves have seen right through this garbage for what it is,politicians, aided and abetted by media sycophants,out to retain or grab power by picking on the ones least likely to be able to fight back.

Unfortunately,there is one big stumbling block for them,the EU,and the free movement of people and labour,and the vested interests that various parties in the UK have in being in or out of the EU............even if there was a referendum and the UK voted out of the EU,there would still be immigration,big business and even little business will demand it,as will institutions like the NHS...............get used to it,the world you are used to has changed and will continue to change in ways you don't like...........the world is not 'going to stop for you to get off 'it...........you either embrace it,or live a life of extreme bitterness.........your choice.


Where have I argued for no immigration? Where has anyone? We argue for postitive immigration - both financial and cultural.


You say that there is no problem, hurl insults and rage that we are racist puppets of evil, powerhouses with secret agendas. It is not only sad but it is dangerous. You vent your spleen to make yourself feel better and in doing so fan flames that push people towards a brink instead of looking for compromise to pull them back from it. You are a recruiting seargent for all you proclaim to hate.

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