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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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What are these positive aspects of immigration that out way the many negative aspects of ingratiation.


Don't know if you realise it,but this thread is about one...........read the report and you have the answer,or one of the answers.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 08:30 ----------


Where have I argued for no immigration? Where has anyone? We argue for postitive immigration - both financial and cultural.


You say that there is no problem, hurl insults and rage that we are racist puppets of evil, powerhouses with secret agendas. It is not only sad but it is dangerous. You vent your spleen to make yourself feel better and in doing so fan flames that push people towards a brink instead of looking for compromise to pull them back from it. You are a recruiting seargent for all you proclaim to hate.


I never said that you had argued for no immigration,I said that immigration will continue,EU or no EU.

As far as the rest of your rant is concerned,apply it to the far right media,politicians,parties and their activists,and you have pretty well summed up what they have been subjecting immigrants to for years now.........and you have the cheek to accuse me and ignore what they have been doing.......time for a few home truths to be told,like it or not.

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Don't know if you realise it,but this thread is about one...........read the report and you have the answer,or one of the answers.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 08:30 ----------



I never said that you had argued for no immigration,I said that immigration will continue,EU or no EU.

As far as the rest of your rant is concerned,apply it to the far right media,politicians,parties and their activists,and you have pretty well summed up what they have been subjecting immigrants to for years now.........and you have the cheek to accuse me and ignore what they have been doing.......time for a few home truths to be told,like it or not.


It will but at a reduced rate. UKIP are growing, the extreme right in France are on the march and there's widescale discontent you seem to be oblivious to.


The numbers will fall because there is widespread denial. Its your fault, basically.

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Exactly,too much good news for the gullible and the brainwashed to take..........that's why I printed the unsubstantiated lies of the right wing press about 630,000 benefit tourists they claimed,and then had to admit they had no proof to back up their claims........if there's not enough negative propaganda......make it up.........plus the naked racism on Saturday of the Daily Express..


611,779 “non-active” EU migrants were living in Britain last year,


Who pays for them?


Non active=




those seeking employment


at a cost of £1.5 billion to the NHS alone.

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What are these positive aspects of immigration that out way the many negative aspects of ingratiation.




And here's some more.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 08:40 ----------


611,779 “non-active” EU migrants were living in Britain last year,


Who pays for them?


Non active=




those seeking employment


at a cost of £1.5 billion to the NHS alone.


You're still not reading are you..........I already posted that the right wing media that published the story have admitted there are no facts to back it up......it's a myth,one that they themselves have busted.

Edited by chalga
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It will but at a reduced rate. UKIP are growing, the extreme right in France are on the march and there's widescale discontent you seem to be oblivious to.


The numbers will fall because there is widespread denial. Its your fault, basically.


Nobody knows if they will fall or not,immigration has been going on for decades,and it will continue to go on for decades,at whatever rates business and governments of the day want,and subject to the UK being in the EU........leaving he EU is the only viable option of cutting immigration,but it will still go on,in or out.

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You say that there is no problem, hurl insults and rage that we are racist puppets of evil, powerhouses with secret agendas. It is not only sad but it is dangerous. You vent your spleen to make yourself feel better and in doing so fan flames that push people towards a brink instead of looking for compromise to pull them back from it. You are a recruiting seargent for all you proclaim to hate.


Aren't you the one (and a bunch more who are much less reasoned) arguing against the conclusions of the report that started this thread?

Despite the conclusion that immigration is beneficial, you are arguing that it needs to be reduced and changed to suit your own preferences.

And the less balanced are arguing that the report is a lie and that immigration only has down sides.

Half of the people arguing against it, HappHazard for example don't even appear to understand how the immigration system currently functions, or prefer to pretend that it's an open door policy when it simply isn't. (regarding outside EU immigrants).

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And here's some more.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 08:40 ----------



Your're still not reading are you..........I already posted that the right wing media that published the story have admitted there are no facts to back it up......it's a myth,one that they themselves have busted.


The information came from a EU report


Can you point to a published story that the press have admitted it was made up?


note this bit from the article,

"The report was written for Brussels and ordered by Laszlo Andor, the socialist commissioner in charge of employment and social inclusion"

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The information came from a EU report


Can you point to a published story that the press have admitted it was made up?


note this bit from the article,

"The report was written for Brussels and ordered by Laszlo Andor, the socialist commissioner in charge of employment and social inclusion"


Yes,here it is,and the relevent part.





Laszlo Andor also said in the same report that in 2011,the UK was the only member state of the EU where there are less benefit claimants among its EU migrants,than of its own nationals.......1% of migrants.....4% of nationals.




Next came an astounding admission from The Sun newspaper, in a teeny paragraph, that it had no evidence for its panic story about 600,000 “health tourists” apparently using our NHS. Others in the right-wing press had also sold us this new reason to hate strangers within our shores. The truth is that vast numbers of foreigners pay for treatment and keep hospitals solvent; and the figure for those receiving free treatment is 18 times lower than the public was given. Lies, lies and massaged statistics, that’s how this debate is now run. The methods used for the news management of immigration are those employed against the poor, disabled and unemployed. For our democracy to live, it seems, certain groups must be crushed.

Edited by chalga
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Yes,here it is,and the relevent part.





Laszlo Andor also said in the same report that in 2011,the UK was the only member state of the EU where there are less benefit claimants among its EU migrants,than of its own nationals.......1% of migrants.....4% of nationals.




Next came an astounding admission from The Sun newspaper, in a teeny paragraph, that it had no evidence for its panic story about 600,000 “health tourists” apparently using our NHS. Others in the right-wing press had also sold us this new reason to hate strangers within our shores. The truth is that vast numbers of foreigners pay for treatment and keep hospitals solvent; and the figure for those receiving free treatment is 18 times lower than the public was given. Lies, lies and massaged statistics, that’s how this debate is now run. The methods used for the news management of immigration are those employed against the poor, disabled and unemployed. For our democracy to live, it seems, certain groups must be crushed.


The Sun admitted it's headline was wrong,

the 600,000 non active stands.

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