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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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Negative propaganda?!? :loopy: The evidence that non-EEA immigrants don't make a positive financial contribution comes from the source you provided!


As for the integration issues, we don't need a government report or right wing rags to see that! It's not propaganda... it's called eyesight.


That's another one to add to racism, Islamaphobia, xenophobia in fact any phobia or ism.

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You need to take stock of what sort of return your tactics are achieving. Are people becoming more tolerant towards immigrants or less? Are parties advocating tougher immigrations controls gaining support or losing it? When there is a Islamic terrorist attack are we seeing more tit-for-tat reprisals or less? Which way is the tide of opinion on this subject flowing?



I don't have any tactics,I'm commenting on the far right media,politicians and political parties that do,and the gullible and brainwashed that are falling for their tactics,I am not bothered about trying to change any minds on this at all,merely saying what i am saying is more than good enough for me,if the pc brigade don't like it ,tough,things are going to get called out for what they are.

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Posters are trying to have a debate about the issues concerning the OP..can't you for once shut your trap and let them get on with it instead of interrupting the flow with your mindless invectives.


Over to the sports section bassy.

Go away take some more pills and then try and come back to make sensible contribution instead of sniping which is all you ever do, I've yet to see you post a contribution to any topic.

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As for the integration issues, we don't need a government report or right wing rags to see that! It's not propaganda... it's called eyesight.


Yep,we're back to the white flight again.........as Trevor Phillips brilliantly observed.


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 10:51 ----------


Negative propaganda?!? :loopy: The evidence that non-EEA immigrants don't make a positive financial contribution comes from a source you refer to!


Thanks for proving my point........negative propaganda as in just focussing on the bad points and ignoring the good...........that's how the far right media,politicians and parties do the brainwashing of the gullible.......it's obviously worked on you.

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Negative propaganda?!? :loopy: The evidence that non-EEA immigrants don't make a positive financial contribution comes from a source you refer to!


As for the integration issues, we don't need a government report or right wing rags to see that! It's not propaganda... it's called eyesight.


You realise that I am talking about Eastern Europeans here.........the EEA immigrants that all the xenophobic and racist readers comments and media articles.plus UKIP sniping is directed at?


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 10:57 ----------


There shouldn't be any bad points.


Why not? are all foreigners somehow having to be perfect when all British citizens are not?..........why would foreigners have to be more perfect than us?.......When did the British give up crime and other bad stuff,giving them the right to lecture to people from other countries?

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Chalga, what is the 'far right media' that you keep referring to ?

As I am aware there is right, left, far right, far left and various in-between, if you can't see the difference (which your rhetoric suggests), then your in denial yourself .... IMHO !

The DM and the Telegraph etc may well be right wing but they are way off being 'far right' !

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Chalga, what is the 'far right media' that you keep referring to ?

As I am aware there is right, left, far right, far left and various in-between, if you can't see the difference (which your rhetoric suggests), then your in denial yourself .... IMHO !

The DM and the Telegraph etc may well be right wing but they are way off being 'far right' !


That's your opinion,mine is different.

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And it will always be that way, however I am clearly not as extreme in my views as you are then :suspect:


Well,i already mentioned the readers comments in media like the Mail and the Telegraph,many of these are far right in views expressed,they are not moderated as they have appeared,so these media outlets obviously tolerate the far right,and if some comments are moderated so they don't appear,what must they be like..........a lot more extreme than the ones that have appeared.

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