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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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Wex, this is simply wrong. There is no history of tax contributions that benefits us all..it wasn't an investment fund, it wasn't even Pay & Go.


Its not wrong. How new was the hospital you were born in? Was in built with tax money from a previous generation? How about the doctors you see? Were they trained while you paid tax or your parents?

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Originally Posted by Peer Gynt View Post

Well I'd take the micky if I was building some of the jokes that were being put on the market.


Good old hard working concientous British workers eh?


You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear!


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 17:23 ----------


PG you always lamented we who you believe dont inhabit the real world and here you are waxing like Alice in Wonderland.


How do you propose stopping companies moving their factories abroad? How do you force them to invest in technology? Who pays for it? The customers certainly won't..they'll buy in the Far East instead!


And yet you lay all blame on the British workers. :loopy:


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 17:24 ----------


Yes that's a different issue. You said you think immigration should be regulated. I pointed out it can't. You changed direction. So do you agree with unrestricted immigration, or not?


BF is like a rudderless ship.


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 17:31 ----------


The revenues from tax and NI don't even provide for the people in old age now who were paying 30/40/50 years ago because government actuaries didn't calculate the funding requirement properly based on improving mortality rates and falling retirement ages, it's the working today who are subsidising the elderly.


So what you're now saying is that we were sold a lie with a false promise by an incompetent government.

Regardless of how you may want to mince words people like me started paying in the 50s so someone born in 1943 who reached 65 in 2008 would have paid into a promise for 50 years and now you try to tell us we didn't contribute to our pensions so who is lying regarding the promise of Cradle to Grave?


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 17:33 ----------


Well at least they have a choice and be won't be sat, indolent in Sheffield moaning about immigrants!


That's what people with any gumption do, they change their circumstances to maximise their potential and dont whine about the competition.


And what are the immigrants, false asylum seekers, false refugees, illegal immigrants and EU immigrants going to do when all the UK citizens have left so these parasites have nobody to leech on?

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So what you're now saying is that we were sold a lie with a false promise by an incompetent government.
Successive incompetent governments.

Regardless of how you may want to mince words people like me started paying in the 50s so someone born in 1943 who reached 65 in 2008 would have paid into a promise for 50 years and now you try to tell us we didn't contribute to our pensions so who is lying regarding the promise of Cradle to Grave


Mince words? Are you stupid? I'm telling you a simple, inescapable fact, you and your generation and subsequent ones paid nowhere near enough in tax and NI contributions to support our pension, health and social care requirements in old age. Even now, youngsters in work aren't investing in their future needs, they're propping up the system for those who've already retired.


Had the proper funding requirement been calculated no government would ever have been elected if they'd tried to implement it.


---------- Post added 09-11-2013 at 21:56 ----------


And what are the immigrants, false asylum seekers, false refugees, illegal immigrants and EU immigrants going to do when all the UK citizens have left so these parasites have nobody to leech on?


Where are those UK citizens headed to? They're too exhausted moaning about the competition to contemplate going anywhere.

Edited by boyfriday
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Mince words? Are you stupid? I'm telling you a simple, inescapable fact, you and your generation and subsequent ones paid nowhere near enough in tax and NI contributions to support our pension, health and social care requirements in old age. Even now, youngsters in work aren't investing in their future needs, they're propping up the system for those who've already retired.

Had the proper funding requirement been calculated no government would ever have been elected if they'd tried to implement it..


Which part of "We were promised care from cradle to grave if we paid into the system" don't you understand?
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Which part of "We were promised care from cradle to grave if we paid into the system" don't you understand?


The naivety that you fell for it hook line isn't at all surprising, bit like every syllable you type.


Politicians/Governments jump ship on policy every minute, day and month, and you talk about "cradle to grave" as though it was your meal ticket. Grow up sonny.

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Which part of "We were promised care from cradle to grave if we paid into the system" don't you understand?


..and isn't that what you're receiving?


Besides which it was a fanciful thinking on the part of the Beveridge, a statement made with the backdrop of reconstruction in post war Britain-a compelling way to motivate the masses.


Remember too that he had some interesting ideas on the control of the population through eugenics

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As some people commenting on program such as quetion time, one of our main problems is houing. People have said, their children cannot get houing.


Should we make this issue worse by allowing more people into the country? Jobs too, allowing in, and keeping a high level of unemployment keeps down wages. This is exactly what the Tories want for their chums in business. Exploit the workers, that is the game of the Tories.

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As some people commenting on program such as quetion time, one of our main problems is houing. People have said, their children cannot get houing.


Should we make this issue worse by allowing more people into the country? Jobs too, allowing in, and keeping a high level of unemployment keeps down wages. This is exactly what the Tories want for their chums in business. Exploit the workers, that is the game of the Tories.


That escalated quickly.


But isn't the current government the only one to have put in place limits on immigration and didn't Labour preside over the lowest amount of house building in history.

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