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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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Looks like the truth is leaking out,


Theresa May: UK paying 'high price for mass immigration which has close to zero benefits'



Or there's a Conservative Party leadership contest in the offing. From The Torygraph of all places:

It's hard to know where to start with Theresa May's awful, ugly, misleading, cynical and irresponsible speech to the Conservative Party conference today.


If you haven't seen reports of it, allow me to summarise: "Immigrants are stealing your job, making you poorer and ruining your country. Never mind the facts, just feel angry at foreigners. And make me Conservative leader."

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Looks like the truth is leaking out,


Theresa May: UK paying 'high price for mass immigration which has close to zero benefits'



All talk and no action........she has failed to bring down immigration,she's a failure,immigration has gone up under her,not come down,so her words mean nothing,because the opposite has happened to what she was supposed to achieve:


Her remarks, is her speech to the Tory conference in Manchester, are likely to be seen as throwing down the gauntlet to David Cameron over his EU negotiation.


It signals a distinct hardening of her language on immigration after the failure to bring down the annual net influx to the Government target of tens of thousands.


How much more 'hardening' and no results are people going to put up with from her?............as has been said,the words are aimed at a forthcoming Tory leadership contest,her possible supporters in that,and a bone thrown to the public who may have already,and may in future vote UKIP...........hot air,and hot air only.

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Looks like the truth is leaking out,


Theresa May: UK paying 'high price for mass immigration which has close to zero benefits'















what I could have showed them in ten minutes walking around Page Hall


(no, not my broken keyboard)

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All talk and no action........she has failed to bring down immigration,she's a failure,immigration has gone up under her,not come down,so her words mean nothing,because the opposite has happened to what she was supposed to achieve.


This is also true.


The Tories FAILED to reduce immigration despite promising to do so, and yet Maggie's flying monkeys try to shift the blame onto the EU for this :loopy:

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Roman Abromavich and a few of his mates have net contributed £billions to the UK economy, which just about offsets the net loss by all the rest (provided you ignore minor details like infrastructure costs, displaced British employees and so on).

Edited by WiseOwl182
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She's just said what the majority of Britons have been saying for years.
She's pandering to populist myth" senior business leaders are saying about that speech.

It seems ironic that she should suddenly start repeating the same expressions as Nigel Farage when not so long ago she was attacking him for his rhetoric on immigration.

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