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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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If only British people were allowed to work in this country, wages would be far higher, working conditions better and the country would be far more fair and pleasant place to live.


Not true, look at the how the right wing press react every time they hear that working class train drivers earn £50k a year. How dare they!:rant:


These drivers had to work their way up over the years to do this job. The right wing press HATE the fact that working class people earn good money. Typical wing wing extremists.

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Call me cynical but who are immigrants and migrants more likely to vote for?


I dunno, UKIP?


The kippers don't mind employing cheap immigrants to do their dirty work. Look at Our Nige' , he only went and married one, the poor girl :(

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Not true, look at the how the right wing press react every time they hear that working class train drivers earn £50k a year. How dare they!:rant:


These drivers had to work their way up over the years to do this job. The right wing press HATE the fact that working class people earn good money. Typical wing wing extremists.


The right wing press is happy for people to earn that much. They are not happy about people going on strike and whining they are hard done to. See the difference? No I didn't think you would.


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 23:04 ----------


But why are Labour so gung ho about mass immigration? Both New Labour and Corbyn's "far-left" Labour?


Gung ho? They positively encouraged it "to change the face of Britain forever" and " to wipe the smile off the Tories' faces"


Never forget

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Why wouldn't businesses employ migrants if they are legally allowed to? The job of politicians is to represent people in the country. If only British people were allowed to work in this country, wages would be far higher, working conditions better and the country would be far more fair and pleasant place to live. There are no "jobs that British people don't WANT to do". That was a Labour lie. There are jobs that British people don't want to do for minimum wage in dire working conditions.



Because if UK business stopped employing migrants,the pressures on the UK infrastructure wouldn't be happening,this is what she is talking about.You can't have it both ways,either you get to the root of the cause,migrants being employed,UK unemployed standing aside and letting migrants do the jobs that they won't do,migrants drawing wages that are too low for UK unemployed to get off benefits to work for and in conditions that they won;t work in,UK businesses not paying a living wage,or you accept the pressure on infrastructure that these migrants are bringing........the root causes are the Employers and the unemployed,one lot standing aside and lettng the migrants take the jobs,the other giving them the jobs..........when is May going to start addressing this instead of coming out with populist anti migrant rhetoric?


---------- Post added 06-10-2015 at 22:53 ----------


But why are Labour so gung ho about mass immigration? Both New Labour and Corbyn's "far-left" Labour?


Labour are not running the country,the Conservatives are,they have the responsibility..........on immigration and everything else.

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Gung ho? They positively encouraged it "to change the face of Britain forever" and " to wipe the smile off the Tories' faces"


So that's two promises that Labour made and kept.


Unlike your party.

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So that's two promises that Labour made and kept.


Unlike your party.


They aren't promises but ambitions from a secret agenda withheld from the public. The vast majority of people would have rejected it then and the same is true today.


People on the left may take pleasure in the obvious anger it stirs in those who do not share their politics but it is a short term buzz that will be replaced by painful cold turkey. There is a dangerous political shift to the right across Europe that will see the welcome mat for migrants withdrawn and those already here becoming targets for hate.


If trouble starts then the left will blame the nasty right winged people but the truth is it will be a failure of left winged strategy. Change needs to be done at a palatable pace but the left have shoved it down people's throats, it has hurt and people are reaching the limits of their tolerance. The left will not be laughing at the response and I urge them to desist before it is too late.

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