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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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They aren't promises but ambitions from a secret agenda withheld from the public. The vast majority of people would have rejected it then and the same is true today.


People on the left may take pleasure in the obvious anger it stirs in those who do not share their politics but it is a short term buzz that will be replaced by painful cold turkey. There is a dangerous political shift to the right across Europe that will see the welcome mat for migrants withdrawn and those already here becoming targets for hate.


If trouble starts then the left will blame the nasty right winged people but the truth is it will be a failure of left winged strategy. Change needs to be done at a palatable pace but the left have shoved it down people's throats, it has hurt and people are reaching the limits of their tolerance. The left will not be laughing at the response and I urge them to desist before it is too late.


My bold=

You always seem to bring up about trouble that will start or backlash etc against immigrants on these type of threads.

Are you one of those types that actually hopes it will resort to the **** bashing era of times gone by?

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No,You do because you are claiming that I want something that only you mentioned.


---------- Post added 07-10-2015 at 08:23 ----------



Selective employing of NHS staff from outside the EU is not mass immigration.This is the kind of immigration policy that Righties have been asking for,qualified immigrants on a needs basis..........what is hard to understand?


So the cleaners and support staff, which could be done by anyone, but are being done by recent immigrants, is a figment of my imagination?

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So the cleaners and support staff, which could be done by anyone, but are being done by recent immigrants, is a figment of my imagination?


Oh,ok.I didn't know they were importing cleaners for the NHS,I thought they were bringing in doctors and nurses,my mistake.

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My bold=

You always seem to bring up about trouble that will start or backlash etc against immigrants on these type of threads.

Are you one of those types that actually hopes it will resort to the **** bashing era of times gone by?



poor zamo, he is really losing his marbles, isn't he ?


And he used to be such a rational, intelligent person too.


Sadly, he's turning into a swivel-eyed, gob-frothing lunatic.


Whenever a Muslim resorts to violence, zamo will tell everyone what bad, bad, bad people these Muslims are.


But whenever a right-wing nutcase resorts to violence. . . Oh, it's the fault of the left wing who made us violent, wah wah wah.


Such a shame zamo has dropped to this level. Same thing happened to Mecky. I do miss her x

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Oh,ok.I didn't know they were importing cleaners for the NHS,I thought they were bringing in doctors and nurses,my mistake.


Have you been to a hospital recently? You haven't noticed that foreign people are doing those jobs?


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the vast majority of immigrants are employed (legally). The vast majority of those from outside the EU and their offspring, are a serious drain on our financial resources, but I suppose it is worth that large price to pay to "wipe the smiles off the Tories' faces".

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Have you been to a hospital recently? You haven't noticed that foreign people are doing those jobs?


Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the vast majority of immigrants are employed (legally). The vast majority of those from outside the EU and their offspring, are a serious drain on our financial resources, but I suppose it is worth that large price to pay to "wipe the smiles off the Tories' faces".


What are the percentages of UK citizens and foreign nationals working in the NHS?

Plus,what's being said here is that a UK government organisation is staffing that organisation with foreigners while members of said government are complaining about migrants coming to work in the UK and displacing UK workers in its own workplace.

Edited by chalga
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It was reported some years ago that immigrants from within the EU made a net contribution to the UK by way of taxation etc, while those from outside of the EU made a net deduction.


I suspect this hasn't changed.


I do love the way the left say that the Torys are in the pockets of big business but, when they say or do something like this, which big business is opposing, suddenly the Torys are out of touch.

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It was reported some years ago that immigrants from within the EU made a net contribution to the UK by way of taxation etc, while those from outside of the EU made a net deduction.


I suspect this hasn't changed.


I do love the way the left say that the Torys are in the pockets of big business but, when they say or do something like this, which big business is opposing, suddenly the Torys are out of touch.



But May never made any mention of big business in her speech,that's my point.........it was just anti immigration rhetoric and no mention of the driver behind it,the employers who are employing them,and that the immigrants are driving down wages without any mention of those businesses that have had to be forced to pay a 'living wage' by law,and even now are claiming that it will cost jobs.

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What are the percentages of UK citizens and foreign nationals working in the NHS?

Plus,what's being said here is that a UK government organisation is staffing that organisation with foreigners while members of said government are complaining about migrants coming to work in the UK and displacing UK workers in its own workplace.

According to this mornings Independant, 11 per cent of NHS staff are immigrants. It was reported last month that 8 million of the UK population were born abroad, so about 12per cent. So according to that are they just servicing the immigrant population.

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