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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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But May never made any mention of big business in her speech,that's my point.........it was just anti immigration rhetoric and no mention of the driver behind it,the employers who are employing them,and that the immigrants are driving down wages without any mention of those businesses that have had to be forced to pay a 'living wage' by law,and even now are claiming that it will cost jobs.


But it was Big business who attacked May's speech. Namely businesses that have a high proportion of unskilled, low paid workers, while their Boards of directors are accruing a large stock of golden back scratchers.

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  • 1 month later...
Looks like the truth is leaking out,


Theresa May: UK paying 'high price for mass immigration which has close to zero benefits'



Bit by bit,


"Almost HALF of EU migrants in Britain claim benefits costing YOU half a billion pounds"


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We need to shut the borders and send what foreign people are resident here home. They have taken over Britain and we have lost our culture. The 'benefits' of immigration are all lies made up by those that benefit from it financially.


I want my country back.

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Bit by bit,


"Almost HALF of EU migrants in Britain claim benefits costing YOU half a billion pounds"



That'll be a blow to all the British businesses that would rather employ immigrants than Brits and allow the state to top up their wages rather than pay a living wage themselves.........it's not immigrants being subsidised by the taxpayer,it's British Business..........the Tories won't say anything against them though,immigrant bashing goes down better with the Xeno,er,Great British Public



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Bit by bit,


"Almost HALF of EU migrants in Britain claim benefits costing YOU half a billion pounds"



Everyone instinctively knows the stats we have been fed about positive contribution are lies because we trust our own eyes. The vast majority of migrants we see are not in well paid jobs, don't live in the affluent areas and are clearly towards the lower end of the earning/contributing scale. You don't need a degree in economics to work out that if the people making the lowest contribution (immigrant or indigenous) were making a positive contribution then it would mean everyone was... in which case we'd have no deficit and no national debt.


We need to be able to devise our own selective immigration policy so we can weed out the low contributors, make the net contribution of the immigrant cohort much higher, reduce the burden being placed on our schools, housing and hospitals and reduce growing social tensions. Cameron's plan for EU reform won't give us that. We need to vote to leave.

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The country would have if it wasn't for freeloading foreigners.


Get all the Brits off benefits.instead of them standing back and letting foreigners do the jobs they should be doing,but won't,because working won't pay them enough of a difference to the benefits,especially if they have to up sticks and move to Deepest Anywhere and live 10 to a room like foreigners will,and the Benefit Brits have no intention of doing.

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Everyone instinctively knows the stats we have been fed about positive contribution are lies because we trust our own eyes. The vast majority of migrants we see are not in well paid jobs, don't live in the affluent areas and are clearly towards the lower end of the earning/contributing scale. You don't need a degree in economics to work out that if the people making the lowest contribution (immigrant or indigenous) were making a positive contribution then it would mean everyone was... in which case we'd have no deficit and no national debt.


We need to be able to devise our own selective immigration policy so we can weed out the low contributors, make the net contribution of the immigrant cohort much higher, reduce the burden being placed on our schools, housing and hospitals and reduce growing social tensions. Cameron's plan for EU reform won't give us that. We need to vote to leave.


Hear, Hear!


Speaking sense once again, Zamo.


They wont listen but lots of people know what's going on. It needs to stop.

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