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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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How can they integrate with people who aren't there to integrate with........the White Flighters.How do you know if the 'guests' have not already integrated but the White Flighters don't want to be there with them........integrated or not.Seems to me like the White Flighters just don't like foreigners.........it's xenophobia.


Yawn. The xenophobia jibe is like an antibiotic that has been over prescribed... it doesn't work any more. Desperate.

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Yawn. The xenophobia jibe is like an antibiotic that has been over prescribed... it doesn't work any more. Desperate.



Right wing rags like the Daily Express,Daily Mail,Daily Telegraph and Sun are desperately trying to get it to work again..............and the gullible are falling for it hook line and sinker...........when you add in all the far right groups in the UK and across Europe,you can see that the Xenophobia jibe does work...and it will work even more in the next few years.

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That's of no concern to immigrants,it's not their fault that some British are content with a life on benefits...........and neither is it the immigrants fault that UK government policy means that not enough houses are being built resulting in houses costing more.if British business are asking for and needing more immigrants to work in the UK because the UK workforce does not provide what they need,the British government should cotton onto the fact that more housing is needed to accommodate them...........it's called joined up government,but the UK Government are content to let infrastructure in the UK deteriorate and are happy to let immigrants take the blame for it.


Where did I say it was their fault, its clearly the fault of government.


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 16:02 ----------


I've no idea but the report is a macro one, it refers to immigration generally. It also doesn't include the social/cultural benefits of immigration in which case I can think of one very notable Somalian immigrant who's made significant contributions in the field of athletics.


What percentage is that of all the Somalians in the UK.


But wouldn't it have been nice if he had won a Gold medal for Somalia.

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How can they integrate with people who aren't there to integrate with........the White Flighters.How do you know if the 'guests' have not already integrated but the White Flighters don't want to be there with them........integrated or not.Seems to me like the White Flighters just don't like foreigners.........it's xenophobia.


That has to be the most unmitigated load of old rubbish ever posted on a public forum. Either that, or a troll. I guess both. Congratulations lol :hihi:

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That has to be the most unmitigated load of old rubbish ever posted on a public forum. Either that, or a troll. I guess both. Congratulations lol :hihi:


Now read the first sentence of this,it doesn't say white flight,but it does say 'more affluent UK Citizens'............make your own mind up.



Research carried out by Cambridge University has suggested that UK Immigration can help to reduce house prices because it causes more affluent UK Citizens to leave areas where there is an influx of immigrants. Even the slightest increase in the number of immigrants flocking to a particular area has a noticeable impact on house price values, as wealthier people move away from those areas where immigrants descend, the research concludes. The study, which is understood to be the first of its kind, goes against previous evidence that suggested immigrants contribute to the increase of house prices, making them less affordable for people who already occupy the area. The research paper, which was presented at the Royal Economic Society’s annual conference, Filipa Sa, representing Trinity College Cambridge, had conducted research, which drew up comparisons between local employment figures from the Office for National Statistics with property records from the Land Registry, in order to arrive at such conclusions. Miss Sa discovered that an increase of immigrants equal to one per cent of the surrounding population was linked to a 1.6 per cent drop in average local property prices. She claimed that this is due to about 0.9 per cent of the ‘native’ inhabitants moving away and this usually turns out to be the more affluent members of the population. In a statement released by Miss Sa, she said: “These findings can be determined by two factors. Firstly, there is some evidence that suggests UK Immigration has a negative impact on native wages at the lower end of the wage distribution. Secondly, natives who leave the city are at the top of the wage distribution.” She added: “This generates a negative income effect on housing demand and pushes down house prices in local areas where immigrants cluster.” The research did acknowledge that this pattern only seems to affect areas where arriving immigrants were less well off. In areas that have people arriving from overseas that are at the top of the income scale, for instance the City of London, the pattern was having the opposite effect.


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 16:36 ----------


That has to be the most unmitigated load of old rubbish ever posted on a public forum. Either that, or a troll. I guess both. Congratulations lol :hihi:




But what sense of belonging are Asian families to feel when they are dumped in sink estates by local councils? How should Asian families integrate when the first reaction to their arrival in a "white" area is a forest of For Sale signs? And how do they prevent their neighbourhood state schools becoming all-Asian when white parents withdraw their children, on the bizarre grounds that they don't want their kids to be in a minority? I've heard nothing in this debate that addresses the white flight which is the fundamental cause of segregation in the UK.

Edited by chalga
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You are making some assumptions that I think are incorrect.


The fact is, migrants from within the EU have more rights to benefits in the UK than those who come from outside, but they on the whole take out less then they put in. This is reversed when you look at the people from outside of the EU.


I make no assumptions whatsoever. It is common sense that a 23 year old migrant arriving in this country from abroad hasn't cost the British taxpayer as much to educate or keep healthy as a 23 year old who was born here.

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Go and pick your own vegetables then,instead of asking migrants to come and do it..........sheer lazyness on the part of British workers is the cause of the product not coming down in price,and it will be the same reason that the price of the product will go up when the people currently doing it can get better paid and more rewarding jobs next year,leaving British products to rot in British fields,all because the British worker can't be arsed to do it.


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 10:26 ----------



That's of no concern to immigrants,it's not their fault that some British are content with a life on benefits...........and neither is it the immigrants fault that UK government policy means that not enough houses are being built resulting in houses costing more.if British business are asking for and needing more immigrants to work in the UK because the UK workforce does not provide what they need,the British government should cotton onto the fact that more housing is needed to accommodate them...........it's called joined up government,but the UK Government are content to let infrastructure in the UK deteriorate and are happy to let immigrants take the blame for it.


You really live in Cookoo land!


You think there arnt many people desperatly wanting to do a fair days work for a fair days pay?

The truth of the matter is that many people here have mortages to pay and high rents that just isnt workable on minimum wage but the immigrants who have much lower mortages back home are in a different situation.

Take the Bulgarians whos average wage is about 150 euro a month,£6 an hour is going to be very attractive and ill bet most of the country ends up here of course with their hands out and pockets empty.


There is a simple answer and thats to invest in our own peoples training and pay a fair wage.Advertising jobs in the UK instead of just abroad would be a good start.

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