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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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which part of :-( Of course it's to do with migrant workers, a high percentage of whom are illegal immigrants working for gang masters for illegal cash in hand,) don't you understand?


Which British unemployed are going to do the same jobs as migrants in fields,legal or illegal.The farmers are already saying that if the government cracks down on migrant workers doing farm jobs there is nobody to replace them.If there are high percentages of migrants working illegally in fields,post the links,then let's have them replaced by British.and the farmers hauled before courts and charged with employing illegal labour............name and shame them.

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Which British unemployed are going to do the same jobs as migrants in fields,legal or illegal.The farmers are already saying that if the government cracks down on migrant workers doing farm jobs there is nobody to replace them.If there are high percentages of migrants working illegally in fields,post the links,then let's have them replaced by British.and the farmers hauled before courts and charged with employing illegal labour............name and shame them.


Read back, the Chinese cockle pikers were illegals as were the Romanian family who were caught making their children work.


Even if you read this you'll no doubt still be in denial


Seven Romanian child 'slaves' found working on Kempsey, Worcester ...




Yes they really are a boost to the British economy, if you believe in the tooth fairy.

Edited by Peer Gynt
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Read back, the Chinese cockle pikers were illegals as were the Romanian family who were caught making their children work.


Then that is up to UK governments to have stopped all the illegals working by covering everything with the gangmasters act.if they haven't,then they are,maybe knowingly,aiding and abetting the exploitation of workers,legal or illegal,and keeping British workers from getting British jobs by allowing gangmasters to supply migrant labour to companies with little or no conditions to their pay or employment,and so these companies are getting their work done by them when they know they couldn't get away with most of it if UK workers were being employed..........this thread is about migrants from the EU who have contributed legally,and continue to do so.

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I'm not saying that there aren't people in this position.........I am saying that this is of no concern to immigrants coming to the UK to work,and it isn't their fault that UK citizens that are in this situation........immigrants have come to do a job,not to think about the plight of other people.Blame the governments and businesses that are capitilising on this situation,the weakening of union power to lessen UK workers bargaining power on wages and conditions.......we saw this manifest itself at Grangemouth last week.


i dont blame the immigrants at all but i am fed up of seeing Good British people not only thrown on the scrap pile without much hope of earning a decent living while at the same time not only having to deal with being called lazy but job centres set up to try every trick in the book to try and relieve them of the very small handouts they get.

The immigrants who sign on dont get his treatment do they?

I understand fully who is to blame,we are.We make the big companies big and that gives them the power to keep making the wages smaller.

We all use Supermarkets but they are the worst,not only paying peanuts to most of its staff and largely foreign workers behind closed doors but they also are slowly doing away with all the big brands and replacing them with thier own.When was the last time you bought a Kitkat from a supermarket?

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i dont blame the immigrants at all but i am fed up of seeing Good British people not only thrown on the scrap pile without much hope of earning a decent living while at the same time not only having to deal with being called lazy but job centres set up to try every trick in the book to try and relieve them of the very small handouts they get.

The immigrants who sign on dont get his treatment do they?

I understand fully who is to blame,we are.We make the big companies big and that gives them the power to keep making the wages smaller.

We all use Supermarkets but they are the worst,not only paying peanuts to most of its staff and largely foreign workers behind closed doors but they also are slowly doing away with all the big brands and replacing them with thier own.When was the last time you bought a Kitkat from a supermarket?


As we can see from numerous similar threads on the forum,unfortunately,this is the way that much of the world is going.Horror stories from places like Bangladesh and China,individuals exploiting vulnerable and helpless people,modern day slavery,it's going on throughout a lot of the world now,and things are coming West,arriving on Britains doorstep.........the people and the practices,with all too many others willing to participate,take advantage and generally exploit the climate that has been to a large extent manufactured by people in positions of power everywhere.People,unless they have an extraordinary amount of skill,knowledge,money or power are becoming merely commodities of diminishing value,chattels ripe for exploitation by criminals,companies,governments and whoever else who has very little in the way of a heart or a conscience...........and it's definitely going to get worse until the ones who are getting the s**t end of the stick decide they have had enough,the world over.........unfortunately for some,in some places,this will result in the loss of their lives,as it has already done for thousands in the places where the aforementioned rule the roost and have the armoury to back it up.........and a lot of desperate and helpless people at their mercy.

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..because certain institutions and politicians told them so ;)


On the contrary, they keep trying to convince us that immigration is all good, we always here about the positive but they ignore the negative.


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:38 ----------


Yawn. The xenophobia jibe is like an antibiotic that has been over prescribed... it doesn't work any more. Desperate.


It does serve a purpose though, because it tells you that the person calling you xenophobic or racist is an idiot. :)


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:42 ----------


Not much of a patriot are you. It's much nicer that he scored double gold for Great Britain!


No it isn't, he's Somalian and Somali should have the Gold medal.


Not much point wining if your team isn't British.

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On the contrary, they keep trying to convince us that immigration is all good, we always here about the positive but they ignore the negative.


Who? Farage, Griffin, Brons and Bloom? What about the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Express or Sun?

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Then that is up to UK governments to have stopped all the illegals working by covering everything with the gangmasters act.if they haven't,then they are,maybe knowingly,aiding and abetting the exploitation of workers,legal or illegal,and keeping British workers from getting British jobs by allowing gangmasters to supply migrant labour to companies with little or no conditions to their pay or employment,and so these companies are getting their work done by them when they know they couldn't get away with most of it if UK workers were being employed..........this thread is about migrants from the EU who have contributed legally,and continue to do so.

So you import labour that sends most of the money out of the country along with having to pay benefits to those who've lost their jobs do you?

Can't imagine who benefits from this certainly not the unemployed or the working class

The thread title is another con to distract how the British public are being ripped off yet again along with throwing British workers on the scrap heap for wanting a decent wage so that they can enjoy the things in life that they've contributed to


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:46 ----------


Who? Farage, Griffin, Brons and Bloom? What about the Daily Mail, Telegraph, Express or Sun?

Come on BF you'll be telling us that you like some others on here believe in the tooth fairy.

I thought that you had more gorm.

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---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:38 ----------




It does serve a purpose though, because it tells you that the person calling you xenophobic or racist is an idiot. :)



Nice try,but it just tells you that the person has a different point of view from another person,,,,,,,,,,,namely that white flight is another form of xenophobia,anybody else can think of it what they want,I told you what I think and I,m happy with that.

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