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Recent Immigrants make "net contribution" to finances

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No it isn't, he's Somalian and Somali should have the Gold medal.


Not much point wining if your team isn't British.


More pertinently, he's chosen to be British citizen who has shown his appreciation for the country that provided refuge to him as an 8 year old, inspired him and given him the funding, training and the opportunity to compete on the world stage..Somalia had very little to do with his success.


Mo Farah is the kind of immigrant we should be rejoicing about not distancing ourselves from, but perhaps people with your mindset are implacable.

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Originally Posted by Zamo View Post

Yawn. The xenophobia jibe is like an antibiotic that has been over prescribed... it doesn't work any more. Desperate.


It does serve a purpose though, because it tells you that the person calling you xenophobic or racist is an idiot. :)



The 'The 3 Card Rick'= xenophobia, Islamaphobia and racist. the main argument of the denial brigade.

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Small minority compared to the ones in power constantly lying about how great immigration is for the UK.


But angos you don't really listen to them do you?


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:51 ----------


The 'The 3 Card Rick'= xenophobia, Islamaphobia and racist. the main argument of the denial brigade.


Five Card Brag..celebrating the uniform of the hair shirt and persecution complex.

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Nice try,but it just tells you that the person has a different point of view from another person,,,,,,,,,,,namely that white flight is another form of xenophobia,anybody else can think of it what they want,I told you what I think and I,m happy with that.


Sorry but it doesn't, it just tells us that the person is an idiot if can't ague their different point of view without calling someone xenophobic or racist.

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So you import labour that sends most of the money out of the country along with having to pay benefits to those who've lost their jobs do you?

Can't imagine who benefits from this certainly not the unemployed or the working class

The thread title is another con to distract how the British public are being ripped off yet again along with throwing British workers on the scrap heap for wanting a decent wage so that they can enjoy the things in life that they've contributed to



Just do your survey and post the facts that you come up with to disprove the findings of the survey we are talking about on here that is completely the opposite to what you claim it is...........it's that simple........go to it.


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 20:54 ----------


Sorry but it doesn't, it just tells us that the person is an idiot if can't ague their different point of view without calling someone xenophobic or racist.


that's your view.........mine is different,and I am totally happy with mine

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Small minority compared to the ones in power constantly lying about how great immigration is for the UK.


There used to be a great cartoon in the Daily Mirror 'Little Perishers' every summer. Ol Boot (The dog) used to look into the rock pool providing the 'Eyeballs in the Sky' and all the crabs started chanting "We believe, we believe" not really knowing what they believed in.


Sounds a bit like those in denial on here who believe tripe but ridicule the truth.

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Come on BF you'll be telling us that you like some others on here believe in the tooth fairy.

I thought that you had more gorm.


You're like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a 1950's Ford Anglia PG.


The tabloid media is mainly right wing and anti immigration..they stoke the fires of such feeling and try to make people like you believe there's some historic utopia where Mums wore gingham aprons, Dads worked in the face of the furnace and working class communities were united by their love of bingo and televised wrestling. You know they do this to keep you in your place dont you? ;)

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You're like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a 1950's Ford Anglia PG.


The tabloid media is mainly right wing and anti immigration..they stoke the fires of such feeling and try to make people like you believe there's some historic utopia where Mums wore gingham aprons, Dads worked in the face of the furnace and working class communities were united by their love of bingo and televised wrestling. You know they do this to keep you in your place dont you? ;)


We believe. we believe it as well as the tooth fairy

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