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Who paid for India's Mars Rocket?

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Not at all, I'd just rather Oxfam distributed what aid we do give rather than into the pockets of despot leaders and their families..


So are you saying that the Indian Mars rocket was paid for by 'despot leaders and their families', or somehow suggesting that Oxfam may be behind this extraterrestrial adventure? Do you know ... I might do a drawing!

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there was an interesting article in yesterdays paper about poverty in india and apparently an IT specialist has resigned from his job as he felt he got paid too much compared to the poor (he got someat like £450 a month) and it went on to say theres an epidemic of better off people being stressed and depressed over money worries cos they get paid far more than the average poor indian who live in poverty

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don't worry AID never gets to the people...its used as bribes,fraud ,kick-backs mostly for the benefit of NGOs. India refused it but Britain begs them to take it.....check out who benefits and you will see why :)


---------- Post added 06-11-2013 at 21:05 ----------


200 years of British rule - India was transformed from one of the World's wealthiest nation (along with China controlled World's 70-80% GDP for past 20 or so centuries) to one of the poorest.


India was well Looted...how do you think the empire, industrial revolution and World wars were funded and won :)

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When were these 200 years of British rule in India? The Raj lasted less than 90.


Probably 1757 - 1947. The East India company ruled a lot of India before the Raj. British influence in India started c1600.


It wasn't well looted, the Mughal empire collapsed (they were 'foreign invaders' too). After the opium trade was banned India cost the British money to run & we've been paying money to India since.


I think it's disgusting that the Indian government rules over some of the poorest people on the planet while having a space program & nuclear weapons. We shouldn't give aid to countries like that. They've had 65 years to rebuild India, smaller countries have built themselves from ruins to become world superpowers in that time. Can't blame the British for what happens in India these days.

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This country has always given generously to charities. Therefore I believe foreign aid should not be funded by the tax payer. It should be funded voluntary.

I completely agree. Too much is funded by the state in this country, and it just gives people an excuse to be jaded and apathetic and just assume that "they" will sort everything out for everyone.

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