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British garment workers should only get £42 per month

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Bangladeshi garment factory workers are to receive a pay increase of 77% making their pay £42 per month from £24.

Now we know why those in denial say our workers want too much money.


Let's see what they come up with now.


Once again another country we give Overseas Aid to whilst their poor stay poor and the rich there become mega rich.:loopy:

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If £24 a month represented subsistence, then £42 might be a perfectly reasonable standard of living don't you think?
Who said it represented subsistence?

There are very wealthy multi £Billionaires in Bangladesh who just love it when members on this forum stick up for those who exploit the poor in Bangladesh especially when we give them overseas aid.

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Who said it represented subsistence?

There are very wealthy multi £Billionaires in Bangladesh who just love it when members on this forum stick up for those who exploit the poor in Bangladesh especially when we give them overseas aid.


So are you saying £24 a month isn't subsistence then, but rather provides a good standard of living? If so then surely £42 will mean the workers are having a beano!


PS I doubt very much that billionaires in Bangladesh sit monitoring this forum. I suspect they don't even know it exists (if you can imagine such a thing!)

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So are you saying £24 a month isn't subsistence then, but rather provides a good standard of living? If so then surely £42 will mean the workers are having a beano!


PS I doubt very much that billionaires in Bangladesh sit monitoring this forum. I suspect they don't even know it exists (if you can imagine such a thing!)

And ignoring all those who're actually living and working in Bangladesh in conditions of squalor just so that you and those of your ilk cab show no guilt about exploiting them at the cost of British jobs



And you're no doubt one of those slagging off British workers saying that they're to greedy for wanting a living wage in the UK.


Nice person:suspect:

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Who said it represented subsistence?

There are very wealthy multi £Billionaires in Bangladesh who just love it when members on this forum stick up for those who exploit the poor in Bangladesh especially when we give them overseas aid.


If it troubles you don't buy their clothes.

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And ignoring all those who're actually living and working in Bangladesh in conditions of squalor just so that you and those of your ilk cab show no guilt about exploiting them at the cost of British jobs



And you're no doubt one of those slagging off British workers saying that they're to greedy for wanting a living wage in the UK.


Nice person:suspect:


You seem to spout random statements, leap across continents, and make massive assumptions about me based on adding 2+2 and getting something that certainly isn't 4.


What are you actually trying to say i.e what is your argument, or your beef? Is it that you object to the level of wages paid to Bangladeshi workers, British workers or both, or do you object to a 77% wage increase, or is it Bangladeshi billionaires you don't agree with. Please clarify.

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Who said it represented subsistence?


Perhaps £24 was a good wage and £42 is luxury?


We don't know, you were the one who started this thread.


There are very wealthy multi £Billionaires in Bangladesh who just love it when members on this forum stick up for those who exploit the poor in Bangladesh


Billionaires frequent this forum do they?


OK chaps, if you're out there, my rates are quite reasonable. Fawning, £10 a post, creeping is £15 and out and out ass licking for £25.


Have you considered old fruit that that we, the shoppers in the West who benefit from cheap clothes, electronics, food etc. can be lumped in amongst the exploiters.


Just tell everyone on here that they will have to pay 4 or 5 times as much for clothes or tech gadgets and see what level of support you get.

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Who said it represented subsistence?

There are very wealthy multi £Billionaires in Bangladesh who just love it when members on this forum stick up for those who exploit the poor in Bangladesh especially when we give them overseas aid.


Of course some billionaires are very wealthy, as you state in your well thought out post (above).

However, none of them live in Bangladesh, according to the top 100 list I've just looked at. Maybe some of the slumdog billionaires live there instead ... who knows? :huh:


Perhaps there are some 'multibowies' who live in India ... a 'Bowie' as the Daily Mail keeps telling us, is worth 127 million (just as a double-decker bus is now the standard accepted measurement for meteorites). That's a rough exchange rate of 8 Bowies to the billion.


Quite a lot appear to live in the States, although I severely doubt (with the possible exception of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg) that they wear cheap Indian clothes from the supermarket, so they're not to blame anyway.


In any case, having looked at the members list on SF, neither Bill Gates, David Bowie or Mark Zuckerberg contribute on here.


The one question that's on everybody's mind here is ... what the hell are you going on about?.

The second one being ... where do you get your information from. It's certainly not from Alcopedia, I can tell you that for nothing! :rolleyes:

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