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Living Wage Debate

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We don't need a living wage, we need affordable living costs, mainly housing.


Government has cut minimum wage in real terms whilst increasing housing costs in real terms.


Some mock bedrock for suggesting we increase the minimum wage, but we are increasing it and WE WILL INCREASE IT TO £10 per hour in the not too distant future. The 'debt' will be eroded in real terms in a managed default.


It'd be fairer to just up it in one go and tax savers bank deposits, literally seize their money. This is the price they pay for their peers speculating on housing.


We should also stop subsidising house prices and rents to increase pretend rents and boost GDP via the artificial increase of a ficititious number...

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Now that would be a good idea.


It would be interesting that's for sure. For 6 months or so the housing market would tank as BTL landlords bailed out - certainly the ones who bought at the top end of the boom before the bust. No government would contemplate it, and here's the rub, the people who vote most (older people, home owners) really wouldn't like it and wouldn't vote for any party who even dreamt about it. However the people who it would benefit most (young and/or poor) don't vote in big enough numbers.

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  • 11 months later...

I was reading an article about the LW yesterday, not one Premier League club pays it, they just pay what they need to pay. Marvellous they can pay the players absolute fortunes but not pay the workers a living wage, last year they paid out £1.78BILLION in wages. It said a full time cleaner would need to work13 years to earn what a major star earns in a week.

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