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Asylum seeker forces council to pay for flying lessons !

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Well you couldn't really make this one up could you? An asylum seeker from Ethiopia along with his brother have taken their local council to court to make the council fund their degrees in Aviation which entails one of the brothers having flying lessons !!!!:roll: the lunatics really have taken over the asylum that is the uk ! This is especially galling when we read today that some liberal think tank has stated that immigrants contribute more than they take from the uk !!

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and when I was unemployed and asked for help to fund a course to help me get back to work, I was ignored.


Report here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487444/Taxpayers-10-000-teach-failed-asylum-seeker-fly.html


What I don't understand is, why is he an asylum seeker. Ethiopia is an ally.


more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/10426604/Taxpayers-foot-10000-bill-for-failed-asylum-seekers-flying-lessons.html


For those of a left wing persuasion who refuse to believe anything written in the HateMail or the ToryGraph: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/asylum-seeker-yonas-kebede-10000-2677257


And if the above are not suitable, simply Google: "Ethiopian asylum seeker flying lessons" and you'll get a lot of hits.

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You must be able to provide some evidence to support this?


Why do continue to hold the party line when the evidence is all over the media left and right !:roll: google is your friend !


---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 11:04 ----------


He isnt an asylum seeker. Hes a liar and a thief.


Very true! And many more besides but hey it doesn't matter because according to the headlines these immigrants contribute more than they take ..............apparently :suspect:

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What party line? The party line of expecting you to provide a link? It's your thread, put some effort into it.


He's not an asylum seeker btw, he's a failed asylum seeker with temporary leave to remain for whom the council is responsible for.

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What party line? The party line of expecting you to provide a link? It's your thread, put some effort into it.


He's not an asylum seeker btw, he's a failed asylum seeker with temporary leave to remain for whom the council is responsible for.


Do you think its right hes getting flying lessons when white British people are denied even basic training in new fields to enhance their job prospects?

Also is the money its costing going to be recouped in future taxes he will pay to our treasury?

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His lawyer was on the radio this morning saying he should get the funding because he has temporary leave to remain with a good chance of getting leave to remain. He also said this student would pay back his Uni loan and give back to society through his taxes in future. He also said the lad had a Geordie accent.

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Very true! And many more besides but hey it doesn't matter because according to the headlines these immigrants contribute more than they take ..............apparently :suspect:


You really are witless AdamSmith.


Whilst on the face of it providing flying lessons for anybody seems like madness, what do you think a qualified pilot with an aviation degree will contribute in tax revenues to the exchequer?


Incidentally the funding comes by way of loan, not grant and if their application to remain is successful they'll be transferred to the normal student loan system. There's obviously more to this story than meets the eye.


It now faces providing loans of up to £20,000 per year to each brother, with the amount to be repaid once they start work.


The brothers plan to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK but there is no guarantee it will be granted. They may be able to transfer to a normal student loan arrangement if their application is successful – which could see them repaying some of the cost of their education.




---------- Post added 05-11-2013 at 11:12 ----------


Do you think its right hes getting flying lessons when white British people are denied even basic training in new fields to enhance their job prospects?
Ah-hem, you'll probably discover non white British people are competing in the same pool, so dont you go getting a rash with that persecution complex.
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What party line? The party line of expecting you to provide a link? It's your thread, put some effort into it.


He's not an asylum seeker btw, he's a failed asylum seeker with temporary leave to remain for whom the council is responsible for.


Your socio liberal party line :roll: as for links someone has Already posted one! Wether he's a failed asylum seeker or not why on earth should a council ie taxpayer fund this nonsense this is pc gone mad and the government needs to step in to stop it!

You continue to split hairs and support this madness :roll: you and people

Like you are part of the problem !

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