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Benefit cap of £500pw loses legal challenge


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Imagine as a child being forced to live up north. Is it not enough they would lose their schooling, friends, family and the only place they've ever known to be their home.


I have wonderful childhood memories of dressing up as Dorothy. I would put on mothers ruby shoes, click my heels together three times and sing, theres no place like home. How can anyone agree with a system that punishes children.


Maybe everyone ought to be given a salary of at least 35k then....that's the answer....

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My Grand parents on my fathers side upped and left Glasgow and moved south to better their life and to find work. My Grandfather walked the entire way, he secured a job and brought down his family.


Times have changed and I'm afraid people have got lazy


Yes, so let them move to Sheffield where employment is rife.

0% unemployment in Sheffield isn't there?

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No-one is being executed...don't get too dramatic...the people whose benefits are being reduced will have to cut their coat according to their cloth.. just like everyone else. .or they'll have to learn to "bounce back" Or do you think them incapable?


Of course they're incapable, that's how they got there in the first place and government allowed it. It's wrong to punish children for the attitudes of their parents. At least give the children already in this position a chance to grow up in their homes.

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Of course they're incapable, that's how they got there in the first place and government allowed it. It's wrong to punish children for the attitudes of their parents. At least give the children already in this position a chance to grow up in their homes.


In that case then if anyone loses their job why not have the government pay their mortgage for ever.....it'll give the kids a chance to grow up in their homes...and what a vote of confidence you've just given everyone on benefits ...not... it appears that according to FACEBOOK once your down there's no point in trying to get up...because you won't be able to..sheesh..

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Imagine as a child being forced to live up north. Is it not enough they would lose their schooling, friends, family and the only place they've ever known to be their home.


I have wonderful childhood memories of dressing up as Dorothy. I would put on mothers ruby shoes, click my heels together three times and sing, theres no place like home. How can anyone agree with a system that punishes children.


Well one advantage of moving up North is that their benefits will go further.

However, if they are forced to live up North and they find there are no jobs, it may cost the tax payer more as their children may have to go into care.

That's planning for you isn't it.

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I still do not understand your workings out. If the woman moved to a cheaper house, her other benefits will not reduce. The woman will still have a maximum of £500 pw to receive. If her rent reduces by 50pw, then the rest of her benefits can increase by this same amount.


Really? Which benefits will increase?



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In that case then if anyone loses their job why not have the government pay their mortgage for ever..


Why wait until they are unemployed for the government to pay their mortgage?

Take a leaf out of an MPs book, let the tax payer pay their mortgage on their second home and cop the profit when they sell it.

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it appears that according to FACEBOOK once your down there's no point in trying to get up...because you won't be able to..sheesh..


NO, I'm saying that if hard times occur for a £35k a year salaried homeowner in London, it's easy to get out of that fix with no drop in the standards of living. The value of your house in London will have increased so much in value over time that if you were forced to sell and move up north you could probably buy a huge house debt free. How the children will play in their wonderful new house with the novelty of a huge big garden. No children suffering in that scenario and they'd soon make new friends with their strong sense of security and better lifestyle fitting nicely into their new community. And lets face it, granny was annoying anyway.

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NO, I'm saying that if hard times occur for a £35k a year salaried homeowner in London, it's easy to get out of that fix with no drop in the standards of living. The value of your house in London will have increased so much in value over time that if you were forced to sell and move up north you could probably buy a huge house debt free. How the children will play in their wonderful new house with the novelty of a huge big garden. No children suffering in that scenario and they'd soon make new friends with their strong sense of security and better lifestyle fitting nicely into their new community. And lets face it, granny was annoying anyway.


I doubt anyone on 35K could get on the housing ladder in that London.



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Is it fair that someone who is not working should have the same income (probably more) as someone who is...? Genuine question...


Definitely not. So the person who is working should go on strike and ask for more money. Let's start with the job centre staff.

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