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That's IT! Goodbye Sheffield Forum I'm LEAVING FOREVER, because..

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The worse ones are the replies like:


"Please stay, you've got so much knowledge/humour/compassion (delete as appropriate) the forum won't be the same. And as for all the trolls (or nay Sayers who don't think the sun shines out of this or that persons arse) I hope you're happy"


When ever I see those sort of threads my view of the whatever forum I'm on nosedives. Even if I liked the person I have to resist the urge just to tell them to sod off and stop being a drama queen. I used to frequent a fishing forum and it got tithe point where 90% of the threads were about a guy being banned, or welcomed back, a diatribe of him leaving and whiney threads asking him back, combined with others saying good riddance. It turned into a bit of a joke.

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The worse ones are the replies like:


"Please stay, you've got so much knowledge/humour/compassion (delete as appropriate) the forum won't be the same. And as for all the trolls (or nay Sayers who don't think the sun shines out of this or that persons arse) I hope you're happy"


When ever I see those sort of threads my view of the whatever forum I'm on nosedives. Even if I liked the person I have to resist the urge just to tell them to sod off and stop being a drama queen. I used to frequent a fishing forum and it got tithe point where 90% of the threads were about a guy being banned, or welcomed back, a diatribe of him leaving and whiney threads asking him back, combined with others saying good riddance. It turned into a bit of a joke.


Yes, some of the goodbye forever threads get crazy on the large specialist forums where a longterm user with 100,000 posts decides to leave in a huff. I genuinely believe some people go and make real popcorn to eat whilst they sit and read it all. :hihi:

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The mods here "encourage" me to leave almost weekly. I accommodate them of course, but i can't stay away permanently just yet. :D


The mods force me to leave too, I have to beg THEM so they'll reinstate me. Like I literally have to beg through support tickets. And they don't just agree, they say, NO! You are not coming back until you can abide by our rules so until then you can forget it! Go and have a long hard think about your conduct.


I genuinely believe medusa has made me a better person. Thanks medusa.

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The mods here "encourage" me to leave almost weekly. I accommodate them of course, but i can't stay away permanently just yet. :D


Me and you both, I get PM's off them saying haven't you gone yet :hihi::hihi: back on topic though it is easy to put your thoughts down on such as here and change your mind.


I did just that back in March, I'd had a crap month lost my mum, told I had to medically retire & told nothing else could be done for me (palliative care), this came at roughly same time as a ban.


I was at an all time low and said ta ta to footy section, I came to terms with my lot after a few weeks and returned but have since once closed my account and come back, but with no farewell letter.


When my health gets the better of me, and sorry to say it does as not fun knowing the end is coming but not sure when, I get very low & it is hard to cope.

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it is easy to put your thoughts down on such as here and change your mind.


Good point. Maybe they should turn this into the GOODBYE FOREVER MEGA-THREAD, that way if people change their minds they can just delete their post quickly without fuss. Nobody would ever know. :)

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